How to Hide Rugs
- 1). Clean the rugs with a steam-cleaning machine. Your rugs may be unattractive, but if they look clean, they will appear less so.
- 2). Lay tasteful area rugs in large empty areas. Place an attractive area rug in the center of a large living room to divert attention away from the unattractive rugs.
- 3). Cover the hallway rug with runners. Carpet runners are thinner throw rugs made for narrow areas.
- 4). Arrange your furniture in a way that will best hide the rugs. Pushing all your furniture directly against walls will expose too much rug, so pull couches and recliners off the wall a few feet. This method of arranging furniture will hide a little rug behind and in front of the furniture.
- 5). Position bookshelves or tables catty-corner against walls. This offset arrangement will add an interesting look, making the furniture the attention-getter, rather than the rugs.
- 6). Use plants, real or artificial, to take up carpet space. Large potted palms in interesting pots, or baskets of greenery, will make your floors better-looking.
- 7). Choose lighting equipment that casts light upward rather than down toward the floor. Use floor lights that throw pools of light on the walls. Dim and colored lights will make your rugs look more attractive.