Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

The #1 Reason People Click on Your Banner Ad

Most people don't realize it but there is actually only one real reason that people will click on your ad and come to your site to buy from you.
In this article I want to show you exactly what that reason is and how you can get more people to your site by incorporating this into your banner advertising.
Secret #1: You have to realize that the #1 reason people click on your ad over other people's is because of your ability to communicate a solution to their pain.
That is it! You need to understand that no one is searching the internet looking for banner ads to click on.
There is to many other things to do other then that! They are looking around on sites for ways to solve the pain they are experiencing.
And if they see your ad is going to do that - they will click on it to find out more.
Secret #2: Once you understand this you can rewrite your ads so that the are telling people that your site is the answer to their pain and problems.
For example: If I am trying to get people to come to my site about airplane buying then my ad would show them that by clicking my link they can learn how to avoid getting taken advantage of when buying an airplane.
Based on my research, that is the biggest fear most buyers have.
So subconsciously, they are thinking about that every time they look at an ad.
And if I can show them my site will fix that exact problem - they will be more then likely to click on my ad.

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