Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

A New Cure For Baldness That Will Definitely Work

There is a new cure for baldness that has proven to work for all situations of baldness.
This cure is actually a combination of three drugs.
This cure for baldness combines propecia, minoxidil and Ketoconazole.
These three drugs are the leading drugs in their areas of action.
We are going to look at how each of these drugs works, so as to combine with others to make the most formidable baldness cure that is available on today's market.
Propecia is an ingredient that inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which is associated with the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT causes hair follicles and blood vessels around them to constrict.
This reduces the amount of blood flowing towards hair follicles thus starving them off oxygen and nutrient supplies.
When DHT formation is inhibited the body is able to naturally remove DHT from the body.
This frees follicles, thus allowing them to get oxygen and nutrient supplies thus producing new hair growth.
Minoxidil is a vasodilator.
When applied on the scalp on areas that have no hair growth, it dilates the blood vessels in that area thus allowing more blood to pass through that area.
This increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients that gets to the hair follicles in this region.
The drug also opens up some potassium channels on these hair follicles, thus allowing them to take in more oxygen and nutrients from the blood that flows past them.
This increases the rate of metabolism in these hair follicles thus forcing them to come out of rest and enter a new growth cycle where they will start to synthesize hair strands that are thicker and are more resistant to breaking.
This reduces the number of hairs that are shed per day, thus reversing baldness.
Ketoconazole is a drug that has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
This drug is used to eliminate harmful bacteria and fungi that normally reside in dandruff.
These bacteria are associated with clogging hair follicle resulting in some infections that trigger hair loss.
This drug on the other hand makes sure that all the hair follicles are cleared of bacteria and fungi, and dandruff is not allowed to accumulate.
This gives way for healthy growth of hair.
When these three drugs are combined, they can solve baldness problems that are caused by inheritance and baldness that is caused by disease.
Even baldness that is caused by the diet can be treated by these drugs for they increase the flow of blood towards hair follicles thus increasing the chances of nutrients reaching hair follicles which increases hair growth.
In order to get the best results of hair replacement when using these three drugs exercise is necessary.
Exercise will increase the efficiency of the digestive system.
Exercise also improves the immune system thus allowing to body to effectively fight any pathogens that will be causing hair loss.
Exercise also helps eliminate toxins and cholesterol in the blood, which can affect drug potency.

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