Family & Relationships Conflict

The Secret to Getting Your Ex Back - No Contact is the Most Effective Approach!

Everyone agrees that the best way to get your ex back, after a breakup, is to cease all contact with them, to ignore them, but no one ever explains why it works and in a way that makes sense.
If getting your ex back is number one on your priority list, here's how you can achieve that, by making it seem that getting your ex back is last on your list.
No contact is your game from now on.
oHave you ever played tag with someone who stands there or runs too slowly, or tries to let you catch them? It's hard, if not impossible, to make your ex become attracted to you and want to chase you if you are standing around waiting to be caught.
It's much more exciting and exhilarating to busy yourself with your own life and really enjoy being single, even if you'd rather cuddle up to a pillow and drown yourself in booze and ice cream.
oHave you ever played hide-and-seek with someone who pretends to hide for a while, only to pop out right as you're excited and interested in them and their whereabouts? If you apply the no contact rule, really stick to it.
Don't ignore your ex just until it seems they are interested and then bombard them with endless calls, messages and hints at your relationship.
Getting your ex back can be hard if you are impatient, so make them squirm, make them really miss you before you give in.
The exceptions to this rule, which should be applied only after you've had no contact for a while or only in extreme cases, are as follows: oIf you both became extremely close and are considered a part of each other's families, you should contact your ex if there is an emergency that you feel they would be hurt by hearing about it from anyone else but you.
If nothing else, send an email or a voice message stating the problem and leave it at that.
Don't use this as a platform to discuss your relationship or you may fail at getting your ex back.
oIf you both are in pain after the relationship, you should communicate enough to get over your issues, to apologize if need be, or to clear the air so there are no lingering hard-feelings or resentment to interfere with getting your ex back.
oIf your ex contacts you after you've spent ample time being unavailable and taking care of yourself, first, and once your emotions have been tempered you can return their call and make small steps toward your ex, while still sitting back and allowing yourself to enjoy the chase.

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