Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Repair Rusted Steel Windows

    • 1). Scrub the rusted window with a wire brush or medium-grade sandpaper to remove loose rust fragments from the steel. Detach as many rust flakes as possible.

    • 2). Put on safety goggles and acid-proof rubber gloves. Brush naval jelly generously over any lingering rust, including tiny rust spots, with a disposable paintbrush.

    • 3). Keep the jelly substance on the steel window for 30 minutes. Naval jelly literally dissolves rust particles from metal.

    • 4). Rinse the steel window with enough water to completely flush off the naval jelly.

    • 5). Clean the steel window before priming and painting it. While wearing the goggles and gloves, scrub the entire steel window using medium-grade steel wool dampened with mineral spirits. Detach any lingering rust remnants and dirt from the window.

    • 6). Rinse the steel window thoroughly with water. Wipe the steel dry with a towel.

    • 7). Seal the entire steel window with anti-rust metal primer to impede future rust. Begin by masking off the surrounding glass with masking tape. Once the surrounding glass is protected, spray one coat of the primer over the steel window surface.

    • 8). Let the primer dry on the window for the recommended time. Read the primer can's label for specific drying information.

    • 9). Brush two thin coats of acrylic paint over the entire primed window with a non-disposable paintbrush. Let the first coat of paint fully dry before applying the second coat. Read the paint can's label for specific drying instructions.

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