Home & Garden Pest Control

Bugs in Rice

If you see bugs in your rice, take a close look at the pest.
If it appears to have a long snout, you're dealing with a weevil infestation.
Both rice and granary weevils are pests of stored grain and seeds.
They develop as small grub-like larvae inside the food product's kernels.
The larvae will feed on a kernel for about a month, and then emerge through the hard coating as an adult weevil (Picture the hollow grains of rice that float when you put them in water).
The adult weevils are 1/8th inch long and have long snouts and slender hard-shelled bodies.
They are brown to reddish brown in color.
The rice weevil has four faint yellowish spots on the back of the abdomen.
The granary weevil is uniformly colored with no spots.
Rice and granary weevils are harmless to people and pets.
They don't bite or carry diseases, but they do compete for our food sources.
Control Measures The first step in controlling the infestation is to eliminate the food source.
Either throw away the infested product, or put it in the freezer for 4-7 days.
If the food product is heavily infested, you could have issues with other products near the original source.
Check all partially used boxes or bags of product that have been forgotten or used sparingly.
Once you've found and disposed the source(s) of the problem, you should deal with any spillage.
The preferred method of cleaning is a two step-process- using a vacuum, then diluted bleach or soap and water.
Proper storage and good sanitation are the best ways to prevent future infestations.
Food products that have been opened should be placed in plastic containers or jars with lids that seal tightly.

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