8 Steps to Overcoming Fear of Failure
In the previous article I have been discussing Fear and if Your Mindset should be "Fear is not an Option", as promised I will continue in that thought and pass along some steps that you can take to overcome your fear of failure and start moving yourself forward to reaching the desires of your heart and Making Your Dreams a Reality.
Step One: Take action.
Go boldly into taking decisive action.
Move out of your comfort zone and do something scary.
Fear of failure will immobilize you if you don't face it head on.
To overcome this fear, you must take action, BOLD ACTION.
Action empowers you to change the circumstances or the situation.
You must overcome the stagnant place you're in by doing something.
Robert Schuller asks, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" What could you achieve? Be brave and just do it.
Don't worry if it doesn't work out the way you want, just change your strategy and do something else.
Step Two: Persist.
Successful people never give up.
Their secret 'They keep trying different approaches (strategies) to achieving their outcomes until they finally get the results they want.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, try one thing and if it doesn't work they give up.
So often people give up when they are on the threshold of succeeding.
They give up just before the Blessing.
How sad is it to think that if they would have just held on, adjusted their strategies, kept moving forward where it would have taken them.
You have to make up your mind what side of the fence you want to be on "Success or Failure" Step Three: Never take failure personally.
Failure is about behavior, outcomes, and results.
Failure is not a personality characteristic.
Although your actions may not give you the results you were looking for, you shouldn't define it as a failure.
Just because you make mistakes, doesn't mean that you are a failure.
It only means you need to re-evaluate your actions (strategies).
Step Four: Do things differently.
If what you are doing isn't working, re-evaluate and do something different.
There is an old saying, "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got.
" If you're not seeing the results you want, then you must do something different.
Unsuccessful people stop doing anything at all, and this guarantees they won't be successful.
Successful people stop makes the changes that are necessary and keeps moving forward.
Step Five: Don't be so hard on yourself.
Look at it this way; if nothing else, you know what doesn't work.
Failure is a judgment or evaluation of behavior.
Look at failure as an event or a happening, don't take it personally.
Step Six: Treat the experience as an opportunity to learn.
Successful people know that failure should be taken as a learning experience.
What did you learn from the experience that will help you in the future? How can you take the experience and use it to improve yourself or your situation? Ask yourself these questions: (1) What was the mistake? (2) Why did it happen? (3) How could it have been prevented? (4) How can I do better next time? Now use what you learned from the experience to do things differently so that you will get different results the next time.
Learn from the experience or ignore it but whatever you do don't let it STOP you from moving forward.
Step Seven: Look for possible opportunities that result from the experience.
For instance, take into consideration the great words of Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, says "every adversity, every failure and every heart ache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.
" Look for the opportunity in the failure and the benefit that it can bring.
Step Eight: Fail forward fast.
Tom Peters, the management guru, says that in today's business world, companies must fail forward fast.
What exactly does he mean by that? He means that the way we learn is by making mistakes.
So if we want to learn at a faster pace, we must make mistakes at a faster pace.
The key to all this is that you must learn from the mistakes you make so you don't repeat them.
Although we all make mistakes, fear of failure doesn't have to cripple you.
You can overcome, just keep going, changing your strategies and continuing to move forward.
As self-help author Susan Jeffers says, "Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Step One: Take action.
Go boldly into taking decisive action.
Move out of your comfort zone and do something scary.
Fear of failure will immobilize you if you don't face it head on.
To overcome this fear, you must take action, BOLD ACTION.
Action empowers you to change the circumstances or the situation.
You must overcome the stagnant place you're in by doing something.
Robert Schuller asks, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" What could you achieve? Be brave and just do it.
Don't worry if it doesn't work out the way you want, just change your strategy and do something else.
Step Two: Persist.
Successful people never give up.
Their secret 'They keep trying different approaches (strategies) to achieving their outcomes until they finally get the results they want.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, try one thing and if it doesn't work they give up.
So often people give up when they are on the threshold of succeeding.
They give up just before the Blessing.
How sad is it to think that if they would have just held on, adjusted their strategies, kept moving forward where it would have taken them.
You have to make up your mind what side of the fence you want to be on "Success or Failure" Step Three: Never take failure personally.
Failure is about behavior, outcomes, and results.
Failure is not a personality characteristic.
Although your actions may not give you the results you were looking for, you shouldn't define it as a failure.
Just because you make mistakes, doesn't mean that you are a failure.
It only means you need to re-evaluate your actions (strategies).
Step Four: Do things differently.
If what you are doing isn't working, re-evaluate and do something different.
There is an old saying, "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got.
" If you're not seeing the results you want, then you must do something different.
Unsuccessful people stop doing anything at all, and this guarantees they won't be successful.
Successful people stop makes the changes that are necessary and keeps moving forward.
Step Five: Don't be so hard on yourself.
Look at it this way; if nothing else, you know what doesn't work.
Failure is a judgment or evaluation of behavior.
Look at failure as an event or a happening, don't take it personally.
Step Six: Treat the experience as an opportunity to learn.
Successful people know that failure should be taken as a learning experience.
What did you learn from the experience that will help you in the future? How can you take the experience and use it to improve yourself or your situation? Ask yourself these questions: (1) What was the mistake? (2) Why did it happen? (3) How could it have been prevented? (4) How can I do better next time? Now use what you learned from the experience to do things differently so that you will get different results the next time.
Learn from the experience or ignore it but whatever you do don't let it STOP you from moving forward.
Step Seven: Look for possible opportunities that result from the experience.
For instance, take into consideration the great words of Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, says "every adversity, every failure and every heart ache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.
" Look for the opportunity in the failure and the benefit that it can bring.
Step Eight: Fail forward fast.
Tom Peters, the management guru, says that in today's business world, companies must fail forward fast.
What exactly does he mean by that? He means that the way we learn is by making mistakes.
So if we want to learn at a faster pace, we must make mistakes at a faster pace.
The key to all this is that you must learn from the mistakes you make so you don't repeat them.
Although we all make mistakes, fear of failure doesn't have to cripple you.
You can overcome, just keep going, changing your strategies and continuing to move forward.
As self-help author Susan Jeffers says, "Feel the fear and do it anyway.