Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Dawn Simulator (also Known as Sunrise Alarm Clock) for a Wake Up With Light and No Stress

A slow increase in light that helps you to wake up without any stress : that is the dawn simulator also known as the sunrise alarm clock or even light alarm from SOLVITAL.

Imitating the sunrise in the morning and dusk at night so that you can wake up and fall asleep naturally and without stress.

Finished stressful wakeup calls with ringing alarms, which make you jump, with the sunrise alarm clock you can wake up naturally to light, just like in the summer and, the same at night to the gradual decrease in light.  An original idea for a present, for those who have trouble sleeping and, for those who have trouble waking up.  The dawn simulator is used for children aswell as adults who will sleep naturally and wake up with no problems.

 6 reasons for using the dawn simulator :

- The dawn simulator has been clinically tested,
- The dawn simulator allows you to wake up naturally,
- Being woken up by dawn simulation ensures the natural secretion of Cortisol,
- The dawn simulator ensures biorhythm regulation,
- The dawn simulator helps fight insomnia,
- The dawn simulator helps you to fall asleep at night.

Solvital site is also a specialist in bright light therapy, which is very different from dawn simulation.  This treatment helps to fight against all problems linked to a lack of natural sunlight.  When light intensity is inferior to 2000 lux (light intensity) the body naturally secrets melatonin (sleeping hormone) which in turn brings on moodiness, tiredness, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) etc... Simply being exposed to an intensive bright light designes specially for therapy use, the production of melatonin is blocked and normal activity and energy is regained.

 For more information Solvital light therapy and sunrise alarm clocks

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