Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Cure Sweaty Palms - The Natural Proven Ways to Stop Those Hand Sweats For Good!

Millions of people suffer from excessive hand sweats and are desperate to cure sweaty palms.
This is not only a physical problem but a mental one too as it saps your self- confidence and your ability to socially interact.
This article will explain the extreme sweaty palms cures, surgery and Botox, and what the natural proven alternatives are.
Botox In recent years there has been a increase in Botox as a cure for sweaty palms.
This involves many small (but painful) injections into your palms.
Botox does have a high success rate Disadvantages- This is only temporary and will need to be redone every 3to 6 months and is expensive Surgery Surgery is conducted under general aesthetic and evolves making incisions just behind the ribs cutting the sympathetic nerves that produces sweat in the affected area.
The recovery time is several days.
This also has a high success rate Disadvantage- can produce secondary sweating in other area so instead of solving the problem it merely transfers it and is also expensive.
Natural cures for sweaty palms There are several natural cures that involves substances that can be found around the house Vinegar Use ½ cup of vinegar (white is best) add to a quart of water, stir and soak your hands init for about 25 minutes.
Do this every few days.
Be warned your hands will smell a bit so leave plenty of time before you go out Tea Tea is heavy in tannic acid and is a natural cure for sweaty palms.
Boil a quart of water with 5 tea bags (sage tea works best) for 15 minutes then leave to cool before soaking your hands for around 25 minutes, any longer they may turn a dark shade of orange (don't worry it's harmless and temporary) Disadvantage.
The above treatments work great but are temporary and needs repeating.
Iontophoresis Therapy This is without doubt the best permanent cure for sweaty palms.
It involves immersing your hands in water and a very mild electrical current is passed through it.
Tests the American Association of Dermatologist did recently gave outstanding results.

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