How to Manipulate a Woman"s Emotions and Make Her Like You - With These Killer Tricks You Will WIN!
Picture this moment: you're standing on a street alone and a beautiful girl walks past.
You find yourself wondering who she is.
You start planning on walking up to her and talking to her.
She crosses the street, walks up to you.
She looks at you; you look at her.
And then she passes you by.
The moment is gone.
Why couldn't you talk to her? Is it because the entire time you looked at her, you were thinking that she would never be interested in you? Why couldn't you say something? Is it because it would have meant opening yourself up to rejection? What are you going to do about it? Read the following tips to learn what you need to do to get the girl, but remember that doing so isn't enough to guarantee success.
You need to have confidence in yourself, too, or she won't even give you the time of day to begin with.
"- Absolute domination.
" This tactic is used for those who are certain of their path and who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the girl.
The reason for this exclusivity is the sheer controversy behind this technique.
It works through the application of hypnosis and its principles that let the man exploit the woman's emotions to the level that the woman will automatically associate her emotions with the man, in essence becoming an emotional addict.
Undeniably, this technique works, but in doing so, it slaves the woman's mind to your own, making her yours forever.
"Sneaky influence.
" Here, you should use the "pleasure and grief" technique to make it pleasurable for her to be in your presence, and awful for her to spend time with him.
Someone with uptight morals would perhaps refuse to use this technique because of how sneaky it actually is, but come on! You are stealing another man's woman; you should not be having any qualms with regards to morality.
You find yourself wondering who she is.
You start planning on walking up to her and talking to her.
She crosses the street, walks up to you.
She looks at you; you look at her.
And then she passes you by.
The moment is gone.
Why couldn't you talk to her? Is it because the entire time you looked at her, you were thinking that she would never be interested in you? Why couldn't you say something? Is it because it would have meant opening yourself up to rejection? What are you going to do about it? Read the following tips to learn what you need to do to get the girl, but remember that doing so isn't enough to guarantee success.
You need to have confidence in yourself, too, or she won't even give you the time of day to begin with.
"- Absolute domination.
" This tactic is used for those who are certain of their path and who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the girl.
The reason for this exclusivity is the sheer controversy behind this technique.
It works through the application of hypnosis and its principles that let the man exploit the woman's emotions to the level that the woman will automatically associate her emotions with the man, in essence becoming an emotional addict.
Undeniably, this technique works, but in doing so, it slaves the woman's mind to your own, making her yours forever.
"Sneaky influence.
" Here, you should use the "pleasure and grief" technique to make it pleasurable for her to be in your presence, and awful for her to spend time with him.
Someone with uptight morals would perhaps refuse to use this technique because of how sneaky it actually is, but come on! You are stealing another man's woman; you should not be having any qualms with regards to morality.