Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Best position to get pregnant- get your right one

Which is the right time to conceive? Is there any way to predetermine the sex of the child? Which is the best position to get pregnant? These and other such questions may come up during the pregnancy process. Moreover, lack of information on these issues doubles the crisis for the couples. Though they might have some serious problems and doubts on the subject, they are unable to find genuine sources through which they can try and solve these. To add to it, most couples around the globe feel embarrassed to open up about this issue. It may sound funny but there is a very serious side to the subject which is creating extreme anxiety to number of couples.

There is a need to inform the couples about some of essential things regarding the process of getting pregnant. First and foremost, the couple trying for a child must have their morale high and should stay pleasant as the good mood helps in a big way. They must attend social get-togethers, go for regular holidays and try visiting some of the medical seminars that discuss the issue. This will help in keeping them up-dated about the different topics regarding pregnancy. The topic of sexual intercourse is essential in order to have the right insight about pregnancy, the positions of getting pregnant also have prime importance for a successful attempt. There is a wide scope of discussion about the best position to get pregnant.

In order to collect some information that is relevant on this issue, the couples are required to undergo an extensive research for genuine sources. This is essential as there are many mediums on the Internet by which one may have unlimited information, but it is important that the information gathered includes the right facts that can be implemented. This is a very important aspect that is to be watched by the couples as any wrong information may prove to be dangerous and may hamper the entire process. Inputs about the best position to get pregnant are available with many medical agencies, consultants and the research centers which are working on the subject. Though there are various positions of having an intercourse, the most common one with the male at the top is the most effective one. This position provides maximum chances of deeper penetrations which allow the sperm get closer to the cervix.

The other best position to get pregnant is by placing a pillow or some soft object below the hips of the woman. This can raise the abilities for the sperm to reach the cervix and increase the chances of the female getting pregnant. The third best position to get pregnant is the popular ‘doggy style' where the male enters the female from behind and this allows deep penetrations resulting in brighter chances for conception. Thus, one can now help the struggling couples with this information regarding the best positions to get pregnant and give them a valid insight on the subject.

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