Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Patients Fight Back and Take on Their Doctors!

Updated July 16, 2003.

Sometimes, you can only take so much at the hands of your doctors before you snap, and let them have it. These Thyroid Forum members have some pretty amazing stories to share! Here are some excerpts, but be sure to drop in and visit the forum for the full story! And while you're there, take your time to share your own story of how you told off your doctor!

I Can't Fix Your Overactive Fork-in-Mouth Disease

"The last dr.

I went to before the cool, wonderful, awesome dr. I have now was a SELF-EDITTED jerk. He treated me soooooooooooooooooooooooo rudely, he told me, repeatedly, "your tsh is fine. I don't know WHAT else you think you want from me - I can't fix your overactive fork-in-mouth disease. Your exhaustion and weight gain are directly related to how lazy you have become - you can't blame your own laziness on your thyroid."...I sent a copy of my lab reports to SELF-EDIITED dr., with a note which read, "You're what give drs. a bad name... Read the rest of KYMBA1964's post

Thyroid Illiterate Bonehead

"I ended up going to the endo, finding out I was right, and going back and calling this poor guy a "thyroid illiterate bonehead". He has since been "thyroid educated..." Read the rest of Pam's post

The Doctor I Haven't Seen Yet Cares More Than You Do!

"'...I think it's sad that a doctor I've never even seen yet has more interest in solving my medical problems than this practice does where I've been a patient for five years.' Needless to say, she finished writing the order and never said another word..." Read the rest of Jude's post

If You Were in Private Practice, You Wouldn't Have Any Patients!

"[The doctor said] 'I don't believe in thyroid medication.

And no woman should weigh more than 140 pounds, period.' (I am 5'9"!) At the time I weighed 167 pounds and was 7 pounds overweight by Army standards. I said to him, 'If you were in private practice, you wouldn't have any patients.' Then I walked down the hall, found a female Doctor/Major and grabbed her sleeve and told her my problem. She took me into her office and wrote me a prescription!" Read the rest of DEEMAR's post

He Didn't Mention I Would Gain Ten Pounds...

"Speaking of horror stories, when I was first diagnosed and he promised he would make me feel like a new woman, he didn't mention I would gain ten pounds in the next week." Read the rest of atomcake's post

Iodine and the Sheep?

"I asked him if an antibody test for thyroid could be done...He told me 'What does it matter? If you've got hypothyroidism or Hashimotos, its all the same thing and requires the same treatment!' What does it matter? I told him, 'Well, I'd like to know what my actual diagnosis is and it DOES make a difference to me." ... doctor #3 (an endocrinologist) who was another jerk...I explained to him about my desire to try the Armour and he immediately stopped me and said. "If you think you came to me EXPECTING to get Armour thyroid, you are WRONG! Armour Is not at all consistent and you can't tell what dose you are getting from day by day due to the iodine content in the grass the sheep eat (let me stop right here and say that "yes" someone can know what dose they are getting from Armour and it is made from Pig thryoid not sheep!). This doctor didn't even know what he was talking about!" Read the rest of REGINAKIN1's post

My Thyroid is NOT Between My Legs!

"Has any other dr. ever looked for YOUR thyroid between your legs??????????????? (I was dressed, but he was feeling me up and down the thighs, telling me I was pretty - I probably WAS @ one time - and feeling around for my thryoid.) I told him to stop, that my thyroid WAS NOT BETWEEN MY legs." Read the rest of KYMBA1964's post

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