How To Learn To Be Happy - Searching For Happiness
How do I become happy in life... This is the question of all questions. Everyone is searching for happiness in life and everyone discovers happiness differently. In one way or another, happiness is found within you. Happiness directly relates to your ability to love. So essentially if you want to know how to learn to be happy in life, you must learn to love more.
Your ability to love simply means how much you are able to love your environment, your life, the people in it, and everything else including you. It doesn't matter whether things in your environment are the way you think they should be. Your ability to tap into true happiness is directly related to your ability to love those things.
Many people in life have a set idea in their minds about what a happy life will look like. They envision driving a nice car, having the best spouse, getting a big house and so on. When there is a fixed picture of what a happy life looks like in your mind, then you really can't be happy with anything else that doesn't match what you envision. You have technically decided to love only what you envision as a happy life and nothing else.
Your ability to love doesn't have to be based on having the life you envision. You can coupe up your ability to love and limit it to your vision; however, it doesn't have to be that way. You can develop the ability to love your life and yourself regardless of what your life looks like now. By doing this you will know how to learn to be happy in life.
If you have ever tried to love situations that you didn't like then you are probably calling BS right now. But please here me out.
Just because you decide to love a circumstance that contradicts your vision of a happy life, and fail, doesn't mean that it isn't possible. For example, you didn't' just ride a bike perfectly the first time you tried did you? No! While a select few may be lucky to get it right on the first go, most of us must practice. How long did you practice at loving your life regardless of what is happening in it? I felt like a failure when I first tried to love things I didn't like. It felt difficult, but over time, through practice and persistence things changed.
If you are like everyone I know (including myself) you gave up after you fell off the bike a couple times.
Falling off a bike isn't fun and I don't know one person that can really say they enjoyed that part of learning to ride a bike.
So my point is that the way to finding true happiness is found within you, in your ability to love regardless of outside circumstances. If you have never loved your life or yourself to the fullest regardless of how your life looks, then you ought to consider learning how.
Learning to love yourself and your life is the key to knowing how to learn to be happy in life.
Your ability to love simply means how much you are able to love your environment, your life, the people in it, and everything else including you. It doesn't matter whether things in your environment are the way you think they should be. Your ability to tap into true happiness is directly related to your ability to love those things.
Many people in life have a set idea in their minds about what a happy life will look like. They envision driving a nice car, having the best spouse, getting a big house and so on. When there is a fixed picture of what a happy life looks like in your mind, then you really can't be happy with anything else that doesn't match what you envision. You have technically decided to love only what you envision as a happy life and nothing else.
Your ability to love doesn't have to be based on having the life you envision. You can coupe up your ability to love and limit it to your vision; however, it doesn't have to be that way. You can develop the ability to love your life and yourself regardless of what your life looks like now. By doing this you will know how to learn to be happy in life.
If you have ever tried to love situations that you didn't like then you are probably calling BS right now. But please here me out.
Just because you decide to love a circumstance that contradicts your vision of a happy life, and fail, doesn't mean that it isn't possible. For example, you didn't' just ride a bike perfectly the first time you tried did you? No! While a select few may be lucky to get it right on the first go, most of us must practice. How long did you practice at loving your life regardless of what is happening in it? I felt like a failure when I first tried to love things I didn't like. It felt difficult, but over time, through practice and persistence things changed.
If you are like everyone I know (including myself) you gave up after you fell off the bike a couple times.
Falling off a bike isn't fun and I don't know one person that can really say they enjoyed that part of learning to ride a bike.
So my point is that the way to finding true happiness is found within you, in your ability to love regardless of outside circumstances. If you have never loved your life or yourself to the fullest regardless of how your life looks, then you ought to consider learning how.
Learning to love yourself and your life is the key to knowing how to learn to be happy in life.