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How to Replace, Install, or Re - Plumb PVC Pipe (Applies to Pools, Irrigation, Bathrooms, etc.)

    • 1). Locate the leak. Shut off the water if you have not already done so.

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      Use the PVC cutters to cut out the area of the compromised pipe. Be sure to leave yourself enough room for the new joints. (for example, if it is a large area of a straight pipe and the connectors measure 2 inches each, calculate approximately 4 inches into your measurements to include the connectors.)

    • 3). Cut the required length of new PVC and dry fit it with the joints into the existing PVC to make sure it all fits together snugly.

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      This is the kind of PVC glue I use. The purple is primer, the blue is glue. Easy to remember!

      Take your PVC cement, or glue, and identify the primer if it came in a two-pack, which the cement usually does. With gloves on, Apply the primer to all of the ends of PVC that are going to need to be glued. Do not get the primer on ANYTHING as it will eat through almost anything as its purpose is to break down the outer layer of the PVC so it can be chemically bonded with the glue to another piece of PVC. (I have gotten primer on shoes and it wore a hole through the top)

    • 5). Apply the glue one piece at a time, as it dries fairly quickly. Let it dry in the position it will permanently sit in, because the glue is forming an almost unbreakable chemical bond now that you cannot easily move even if it is not completely dry.

    • 6). Wait for the cement to dry. The can will specify how long this will take.

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