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Gnomes - Garden Enchantment!

No one knows for sure the origin of the garden gnome, but there are many theories of how these magical creatures came to light.
One theory is that the gnome is a descendant of Priapus, a Greco-Roman fertility god who is often portrayed in statues found in many ancient gardens.
His statue, holding a wooden sickle in his hand, was used in the Roman gardens as scarecrow.
Priapus was a minor rustic fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, and gardens.
The gnome is thought to have carried on the tradition of protecting gardens from predators.
Another theory is based on ancient myths in Germany.
It was said that gnomes came out at night to help in the garden, weeding, cultivating, and keeping out predators.
The first ceramic gnomes were made in the mid 1800s in Grafenroda, a town in Thuringia, Germany.
The popularity of the garden gnome soon spread to France and England, as well as many other places where people were serious about gardening.
Gnomes have since become a popular accessory in many yards and gardens.
Sir Charles Isham brought 21 terracotta gnomes from a trip to Germany back to his home in the United Kingdom to place as ornaments in his yard.
Only one of these gnomes, Lampy, still exists and is valued at over 1 million pounds.
The Garden gnomes have also become the target of many pranks, even kidnapped and sent on trips around the world.
This travelling gnome prank later became the basis of Travelocity's "Roaming Gnome" mascot.
In 2008, a French man was arrested on suspicion of stealing around 170 garden gnomes.
Stroll in my garden and find all the gnomes you want without having to steal one! Let them use their magic to be the caretakers and protectors of YOUR garden!

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