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Tips For Guys - How Soon to Call a Girl After a Date?

The age old question.
The answer is, it depends.
You've got to use your judgment here.
The fact that you're wondering about this tells me that you may need a crash course on what is attractive to women.
Every communication should have a purpose.
Let me say that again so that you remember.
Every communication must have a purpose.
I always follow a rule when it comes to a phone call with a woman I've just met.
No longer than a 20 minute phone call, period.
I prefer closer to 5 - 10 minutes.
Let's say you call a girl and linger on the phone with her.
You know what purpose that communicates? Several things: 1.
You don't have anything else to do.
You're attached to her and you're kind of clingy.
You have feelings for her.
Unless she's completely crazy about you, this is going to back fire on you.
If you demonstrate that your time is valuable, she will treat it as such.
She will try to milk everything out of the time that you give her.
If she can talk to you any time she wants, your time isn't valuable to her.
People don't want things that they can have any time they want.
People want what they can't have.
You can send her an e-mail or a text message the day after the date if you want to.
Just make sure you communicate the right things.
Let's say you were making fun of her.
Her hair was messy or whatever and you joked that you were embarrassed to be seen with someone with such messy hair.
"I'm still embarrassed from being seen with you last night.
Everyone was staring at us.
You better make it up to me on our next date.
If you read this and think "Good gosh! What a terrible thing to say!" then I think that you should read up on women and attraction some more.
While it appears like a mean thing to say in this context, if you had her laughing the whole time during the date, this should simply remind her of what a good time she had with you and will make her at least smile.
This is the purpose of that communication.
Most likely she'll laugh and respond back with something equally ballsy.
You also brought up a next date, which has planted the idea in her mind.
"You better make it up to me" builds sexual tension also.
Think about it.
On the other hand, let's say you tell her something like this: "You were so beautiful last night.
I really want to take you out again.
I really like you.
You've just totally destroyed the attraction, suspense, and excitement for her.
She knows that she can have you if she wishes.
Are you doing her a favor or are you disappointing her? Regarding phone calls, I try not to call a girl "just to chat" too early on.
Give her a chance to think about you and wonder if you like her or not.
Of course, if you want to make more plans with her, call her.
Just don't sit on the phone for hours with her.

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