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Bike Your Way to a Healthier Life

Many people enjoy cycling more than other wheeled activities.
It lets you see the city while you shed off some unwanted calories.
You sweat as much when you run, but you do not get as tired.
Continue reading to know the other health benefits of cycling.
Learn where to buy quality bicycles and enjoy this activity with a loved one.
Health Benefits of Cycling Heart Bike your way towards a healthier heart.
Cycling is proven to improve cardiovascular fitness and is good for people with heart problems.
It also decreases the risk of getting a coronary disease.
Muscles Cycling is recommended for people who want to tone their muscles.
Build your muscles especially in the lower part of your body.
Expect better-looking thighs, calves and rear end even after just one week of biking.
Waistline Riding a bike enables you to burn calories without much effort like in running.
It helps you avoid constant weight gain as it maintains good metabolism.
Enjoy the benefits even when the ride is over.
Lifespan Studies have proven cycling to increase lifespan.
Experts agree that this is true although biking involves some risks for injuries.
Coordination You move both feet when you cycle, as well as your hands.
This is why riding a bicycle is good for your coordination.
It also helps you balance your body more.
Mental Health Try riding a bike an hour before taking an exam and expect good results.
Scientists say cycling can also improve mental health.
Ride the bike often and protect yourself from memory problems.
Immune System Cycling is proven to protect you from certain diseases.
It can also lessen the risk of cancer.
Enjoy cycling with a loved one and live longer.
Types of Bicycle Determine first the type of bike you want to buy.
There are four types of Dutch bicycle namely road bikes, mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, and cruisers.
Road bikes are for fast riders on paved streets.
It is light, so you can easily bend to your desired position.
Choose a road bike if you often travel in long distances at a high speed.
The mountain bike is the most popular type of bike.
It has wire tires with knobby threads designed for rugged trails without disintegration.
Mountain bikes cannot run as fast as road bikes but they are more durable.
Many sales persons choose this type of bike for its impressive features.
You can even ride on it to climb a steep mountain.
A hybrid bike is the mix of road and mountain bike.
Choose this if you are just travelling short distances on pavements.
Its tires are skinnier and smoother - allowing you to go faster than mountain bikes.
Bikers go for hybrid bikes because of its upright seat and handlebar position.
This allows you to stay comfortable while on the road.
Cruisers have wide tires and seats, upright handlebars, and a single gear.
You can see this bike often on the beach.
It is mechanically simple compared to the other three types of bikes.
Cruisers work best with flat terrain and a rider more interested with comfort than travelling fast.

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