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How to Get Caulk Off of Clothes

    • 1). Fold the clothing so the caulk faces upward. Place the clothes onto a towel, keeping the towel from touching the caulk.

    • 2). Place the towel and clothing inside the freezer. Ensure the caulk does not touch anything inside the freezer, including the walls. Leave the clothes in the freezer for two hours or until hard to the touch.

    • 3). Remove the clothes from the freezer and place on a hard surface. Stretch the fabric around the caulk with your fingers.

    • 4). Grasp one end of the caulk with your fingers or with tweezers. Slowly pull the caulk from the clothes.

    • 5). Scrape any remaining caulk pieces from the clothes with a plastic scraper. Place the scraper beside a piece of caulk and gently scrape it from the fabric. Repeat the process on all caulk pieces.

    • 6). Wash and dry clothes normally to remove any caulk dust embedded in the threads of the fabric.

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