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Multi-Age September Classroom Activities


    • Icebreaker activities are fun for children and adults of all ages. One example is "Two Truths and a Lie." In this game, each student must share with the class three pieces of information, two of which are true and one which is a lie. The class votes on which piece of information they believe is the lie. This game works best if both the truths and the lies sound too outrageous to be true.

      Another example is "People Bingo." In this game, each student is given an identical game card that the teacher prepares ahead of time. The game card is divided into 12 boxes, each with a different statement, such as "Has traveled to Asia" or "Can do the splits." Students must then go around and find someone who fits one of the descriptions and have that person sign the appropriate box. They can have only one signature for each box, even if one person fits more than one description. The winner of the game is the first person to get all the boxes filled.


    • A fun activity for the beginning of the year is to have each student take turns standing in front of the class and sharing with their classmates the most exciting thing they did over the summer. This is an activity that can be done and enjoyed by students of all ages. As well, it can help your students get to know each other better, encourage class discussion, teach students about places or things they never knew about and help children practice their public speaking skills.

    Nature Walk

    • September is the perfect time to take the class on a nature walk. The cooler air makes outdoor physical activities more comfortable, and the leaves changing colors are a beautiful sight that can be enjoyed for only a month or so. Before going on your nature walk, give each student a basket or shopping bag. On the walk, stop at various locations with plenty of fallen foliage and let the students collect items for an art project, such as branches, leaves, pine needles, berries and pine cones. Alternatively, you could find a quiet spot to sit and have the students write a poem about autumn.


    • Because of its vibrant colors, autumn is the perfect season to incorporate nature into art. For example, you can have your students make their autumn wreaths by giving each a metal coat hanger and having them stretch it into a circle. Then wrap the coat hanger with layers of newspaper so that it is about two to three inches thick, and have them glue items they collected from nature to the newspaper. Alternatively, you can have them make an autumn scrapbook by giving each a small notebook and having them glue a different item from nature on each page. Beside each item, they can write whatever that item reminds them of, such as an experience, feeling or person.

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