Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Do You Still Bite Your Nails?

Woman just love taking care of themselves, it is a fact. Having all the latest products on the market is a must, but how many times do the little things that matter, actually get left out? The nails are one of the most ignored parts of the body, and worse, many women bite their nails.

Why Biting Your Nails Is Not Good For You:

Not only is biting your nails unhygienic, but if you do bite them, they are likely to grow back really jagged and uneven.

Do you know that when you bite your nails, you are ingesting a lot of germs? Studies have shown that under your nails, there is more bacteria there than if you were to lick a toilet seat. You definitely would not lick a toilet seat, so why bite your nails? Some men also find women who bite their fingernails, a turn off!

Imagine this scenario, you have taken a date home and things have progressed. You are running your hands through your dates hair, and all the sudden they notice your finger nails all chipped, broken and covered in dirt. They are hardly likely to find that a turn on, and they probably will not want to see you again.

The state of your nails can be an indicator of your overall general health, and if you use your hands a lot, especially whilst speaking, many people will see the state of them. With just a bit of care, your nails will thank you in the long run and it will be so much healthier for you than putting all that bacteria into your mouth. However, in order to look after your nails properly, you will need to understand them a little bit more and know what they need.

What is a Nail and How Can You Care For it?:

A nail consists of a hard protein called Keratin. They are basically on our fingers to protect them from any kind of trauma, and they even help to pick up small objects. Women see their nails more of a cosmetic purpose however, and they often have manicures to make them look their best.

Manicures are actually good for the nail, and as well as looking good, they also help to keep the nail healthy. In order to get the most out of your nails it is essential that you see a professional manicurist, instead of trying to do it yourself.

Basic hygiene is also not hard to do, yet it will keep your nails really healthy. Moisturizer is essential in aiding with the condition of your hands and nails, and you can buy specially designed polish which strengthens the nails. A good nail brush also comes in handy and using soap with it will really help to get rid of any bacteria. However, do not take that as a sign that you can now safely chew your nails. If you do have a problem with not being able to stop biting your nails, there are special products on the market which taste horrible, which are designed to stop your habit.

If you do not take proper care of your nails and you simply carry on biting them without cleaning them, you are potentially likely to get infections and cold sores within the mouth. Even if you have been doing it for years, the risk is always there that you will pass something on into the mouth. It is always better to be safe than sorry!

Overall, it really is so much better for your health if you stop biting your nails. They will look so much better, and you will not have to worry about putting off a potential date either! Usually nail biting is simply a habit, and with little work, it can be cured.

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