Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

How to Make a Partial Claim on Non-FHA Mortgages

    • 1). Evaluate your financial situation to make sure you can afford to resume your usual mortgage payments.

    • 2). Document the financial hardship that led to your loan default.

    • 3). Compile evidence that supports your ability to keep up with your current and future mortgage payments. Seek a second job or cut back on other expenses, for example, and document your actions as evidence of an improving financial picture.

    • 4). Keep bank and investment account statements showing an increase in deposits compared to the period of nonpayment of your mortgage loan.

    • 5). Contact your lender to request an advance claim. Follow the lender's application procedure. Submit any documentation it requests.

    • 6). Await word that your loan insurer has approved the lender's claim. Sign the promissory note that explains the terms of the claim and when and how you must repay the advance funds.

    • 7). Request verification from the bank that it is reporting your loan as current.

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