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How to Make a Woman Have Orgasm

Women generally do not attain sexual satisfaction or orgasm as quickly and as easily as the men.
Lots of factors lead plays a major role in her during sex.
Understanding what a female body experiences during sex would help in satisfying a women overall.
Certain tips can help in the process: 1) The Atmosphere / Environment A romantic atmosphere such as good and natural fragrance, smooth and sensual music can arouse a women's mood and could prove to be a very helpful starter.
An angel-like room is an environment that a woman can never avoid.
Lighting with candles, comfortable beds and bedspreads, neat and clean room, some flowers all around the room are a few sensually attracting ideas.
2) Approach It is so important that you make a woman understand that you enjoy each and every aspect in her such as her body, her love making skills and also her appearance.
You can start off by simply talking about all the private parts of her body and then slowly rubbing them gently in a way that she enjoys most.
Appreciate each of her moves and reactions.
Gently rub all her private parts with soft hands or with your genitals.
3) The Ultimate Act The ultimate act of penetrating your penis into her vagina is done gently, only after you have made sure that your partner's mood is completely aroused.
The next thing to be seen over here is the position of your sex.
Different woman enjoy sex in different positions.
Some enjoy being on the top of men while others enjoy normal, pain-free and smooth sex.
Whatever may be, one must concentrate in arousing the temptation in a woman rather than being heroic and trying to achieve things in a rush.
A careful, slow and steady approach can do wonders for men.

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