The Healthcare System Needs Complete Overhaul - My Recent Healthcare Ordeal
I absolutely agree with President Obama that our healthcare system is badly broken, extremely expensive, and unquestionably ineffective.
And the time to fix the entire system, which is greed-driven, is TODAY.
I applaud the President for his courage and conviction to standup to the status quo and demand a change NOW! We, as citizens of this great country, desperately need a new healthcare system that focuses on preventative modalities such as health education, whole food nutritional products, dietary & lifestyle modifications, reduced cost, and an option to choose our doctor and insurance company.
These are our birthrights and must be accessible to all Americans.
Remember this is the same system that's responsible for the death of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and thousands of ordinary people across the richest and most technologically advanced nation in the world.
What's wrong with this picture? Here's how my healthcare ordeal started: Infrequently during the day of March 25, 2009, including during my morning walk, I felt a slight discomfort in my chest.
Because I live quite a distance from a 24-hour medical facility and the fact that my old subconscious programming surfaced and took control, I decided to drive myself to the local emergency room for an EKG.
After a long wait, the doctor said my lab work and other tests were negative but he was going to admit me to a second hospital for observations.
By the time I was released the next day, I had spent a total of 23 hours in both hospitals.
When all the charges were received, to my utter dismay, the total cost for this 23-hour "hospital arrest" was $10,571.
The actual time doctors in both hospitals spent with me was less than 5 minutes.
That's a rate of $2,114.
20 per minute.
WOW! Who says the disease care system doesn't need a long overdue fix and the costs drastically reduced? After disallowing and/or reducing certain charges, my insurance company paid a total of $6,740.
I'm now responsible for $1,422, which is ridiculous.
If I had been given an EKG only, which is why I drove myself to the hospital in the first place, the total cost should have been less than $600.
And the second "hospital arrest" wouldn't have been necessary.
The truth is most of these charges could have been avoided had I not been admitted to the second hospital where I waited all day for the cardiologist.
Apparently, the doctor was late arriving at the hospital because he has a private practice and his patients were his main concern.
When he finally arrived at the hospital he spent less than a minute with me.
In my opinion, he is getting paid twice, once for spending time taking care of his private patients and a second time for keeping me captive in the hospital.
WOW! What a way to make money! Again, all I wanted was an EKG to make sure my heart was okay.
Even though I agreed to be admitted overnight for observations, I consented with the understanding that I would be released before noon the next day.
Let me say that I accept full responsibility for my decision to visit the emergency room and the results that followed.
I allowed my mind to control my actions, and willingly accept the consequences.
Also, I take full responsibility for not walking out of the emergency room after the doctor finally revealed the test results.
But, I forgot to remember that I'm a vibrantly healthy 65-year young woman and how I regained my health.
I forgot to remember that I no longer take pharmaceutical drugs.
I forgot to remember that I have more energy and feel better today than I did in my 20s.
Instead, I allowed the propaganda and brainwashing received from society and modern medicine during the first 53 years of my life dictate my decision and action.
During the last 12 years, in a desperate effort to regain my health after more than 20 years of suffering with chronic disease, I created a proven, comprehensive strategy of educating, empowering, and inspiring people with the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for their own health.
It's a system of lifestyle and dietary adjustments, herbal whole food nourishment, and maximizing the body's natural healing power to heal itself.
However, I simply ignored the wisdom upon which this System was created, and now I'm paying a very high price for this 23-hour nightmare.
If this was my experienced during a period of 23 hours, God bless those who must stay in the hospital longer!
And the time to fix the entire system, which is greed-driven, is TODAY.
I applaud the President for his courage and conviction to standup to the status quo and demand a change NOW! We, as citizens of this great country, desperately need a new healthcare system that focuses on preventative modalities such as health education, whole food nutritional products, dietary & lifestyle modifications, reduced cost, and an option to choose our doctor and insurance company.
These are our birthrights and must be accessible to all Americans.
Remember this is the same system that's responsible for the death of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and thousands of ordinary people across the richest and most technologically advanced nation in the world.
What's wrong with this picture? Here's how my healthcare ordeal started: Infrequently during the day of March 25, 2009, including during my morning walk, I felt a slight discomfort in my chest.
Because I live quite a distance from a 24-hour medical facility and the fact that my old subconscious programming surfaced and took control, I decided to drive myself to the local emergency room for an EKG.
After a long wait, the doctor said my lab work and other tests were negative but he was going to admit me to a second hospital for observations.
By the time I was released the next day, I had spent a total of 23 hours in both hospitals.
When all the charges were received, to my utter dismay, the total cost for this 23-hour "hospital arrest" was $10,571.
The actual time doctors in both hospitals spent with me was less than 5 minutes.
That's a rate of $2,114.
20 per minute.
WOW! Who says the disease care system doesn't need a long overdue fix and the costs drastically reduced? After disallowing and/or reducing certain charges, my insurance company paid a total of $6,740.
I'm now responsible for $1,422, which is ridiculous.
If I had been given an EKG only, which is why I drove myself to the hospital in the first place, the total cost should have been less than $600.
And the second "hospital arrest" wouldn't have been necessary.
The truth is most of these charges could have been avoided had I not been admitted to the second hospital where I waited all day for the cardiologist.
Apparently, the doctor was late arriving at the hospital because he has a private practice and his patients were his main concern.
When he finally arrived at the hospital he spent less than a minute with me.
In my opinion, he is getting paid twice, once for spending time taking care of his private patients and a second time for keeping me captive in the hospital.
WOW! What a way to make money! Again, all I wanted was an EKG to make sure my heart was okay.
Even though I agreed to be admitted overnight for observations, I consented with the understanding that I would be released before noon the next day.
Let me say that I accept full responsibility for my decision to visit the emergency room and the results that followed.
I allowed my mind to control my actions, and willingly accept the consequences.
Also, I take full responsibility for not walking out of the emergency room after the doctor finally revealed the test results.
But, I forgot to remember that I'm a vibrantly healthy 65-year young woman and how I regained my health.
I forgot to remember that I no longer take pharmaceutical drugs.
I forgot to remember that I have more energy and feel better today than I did in my 20s.
Instead, I allowed the propaganda and brainwashing received from society and modern medicine during the first 53 years of my life dictate my decision and action.
During the last 12 years, in a desperate effort to regain my health after more than 20 years of suffering with chronic disease, I created a proven, comprehensive strategy of educating, empowering, and inspiring people with the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for their own health.
It's a system of lifestyle and dietary adjustments, herbal whole food nourishment, and maximizing the body's natural healing power to heal itself.
However, I simply ignored the wisdom upon which this System was created, and now I'm paying a very high price for this 23-hour nightmare.
If this was my experienced during a period of 23 hours, God bless those who must stay in the hospital longer!