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How to Attach a Lattice Screen to a Deck Railing

    • 1). Cut the lattice screen down to the size appropriate for your deck railing. Mark the measurements onto the wood and use a circular saw to make the cuts.

    • 2). Cut four pieces of 1-by-4 wood to form a frame that fits around the lattice screen, which gives it a solid base to attach to the deck railing and prevents warping of the wood over time.

    • 3). Form a rectangle with the frame wood and attach at the corners with a mending plate and corner joint. Use a drill to screw these metal pieces into place.

    • 4). Turn the completed frame over and place the lattice screen on top. Screw it onto the frame using washers and 1-inch pan-head screws.

    • 5). Line up the framed lattice screen with the edge of your deck railing. Nail the frame to the deck railing using 2-inch wire nails.

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