Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

3 Safe Exercises for Pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy has a lot of benefits.
It will help keep you in shape and make labor a lot easier for both you and your baby.
It has also been shown that mothers that exercised during pregnancy had babies that were more lean, and had an overall higher intelligence.
Exercising while pregnant can be really easy to do.
If you have a regular routine that you normally follow, you should be able to keep with that workout with some slight modifications.
If you are not used to exercising, I am going to give you 3 safe exercises that you can easily do.
It is advised that you see your doctor before starting any exercise routine while pregnant.
The first exercise is the abduction leg lift.
It is a really simple exercise that will work the hips and help make them stronger and ready for labor.
What you do is lay on the floor on your side.
Bend your bottom leg slightly, and lift your top leg straight up.
This is a great exercise that will work all kinds of lower muscles.
It will also help to keep the hip pain away later in pregnancy.
The second pregnancy is very simple.
It is simply to walk.
Walking is a very good low impact exercise that will help you get in shape and ready for labor.
You don't have to stress and walk for miles, but the more you do walk the better you will feel and the more energy you are going to have every day.
Take time to look at trees and look at the sky.
It can be a very relaxing time when you are walking.
Put all of your day behind you and have some time for yourself.
The third exercise is called a butterfly press for pregnant women.
What you do is hold both arms to form a U, sort of what you would see when a football kicker makes a field goal and the ref holds up his arms.
You will want to squeeze your chest muscles and move your arms in together slowly, and then go back out.
Concentrate on making your muscles tight in your chest and back on the way in and on the way out.
Exercising has so many benefits during pregnancy.
It can help you have a healthy baby, speed up delivery, and speed up the recovery time right after delivery.
You will also notice that you are not tired all of the time.
That is one of the biggest complaints of pregnant women.
I encourage them to exercise and they will see a difference in day to day fatigue.
Exercising is so good for the body.

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