Family & Relationships Conflict

Emotional Stages Of Relationship Break Up - 5 Things You Need To Know To Ease Your Pain

If you have broken up recently one of the best things you can do is understand the emotional stages of a break up.

We know it's tough right now and all you really are interested in is getting them back but realize there will be a pattern you'll go through and knowing what it's likely to look up will be enormous in healing you from the pain you're going through now.

For the person who initiated the break up that intensity may not be as great but for the person dumped, sometimes it can feel like the walls are closing in and you need to realize that for complete healing, it's almost necessary to go through this.

There's never a time limit on how long it will take to heal. For example, for someone who was totally in love and got hit by the decision to get out of a relationship without much warning, the healing time will naturally be longer.

5 Emotional Break Up Stages

Let's take a look at the five stages of a relationship breakup. If you are currently going through this then we hope knowing what's ahead can help ease the pain a little.

- Pain is the first emotion you'll experience. It will come at you hard and fast. First, there's a feeling of non-belief and when reality sets in, the pain can almost feel physical and affect the way you eat and sleep. Wanting to be alone is natural but many times, the more you can release the pain the better you'll feel.

- The feeling of denial is a crucial step to work through. Too many times people let this linger too long. Thoughts that your ex will soon come to their senses and welcome you back with open arms is common and acting as if there's nothing wrong is only delaying the healing process.

- The feeling of anger usually follows denial and if you have any chance of getting back with your ex then this needs to be tempered. Irrational thinking can take over and this can be combine with irrational actions. Be careful not to let anger rule your thinking. And be careful not to become bitter because this can definitely spill into future relationships.

- Just like in death, grieving is a natural process but unnatural thoughts such as wanting to shut yourself off from the world, feeling unsecure or unworthy or even wanting to end it all can overtake a person's thinking during this stage. This is when it's vital you have a shoulder or two to lean on.    

- The emotion of acceptance will come when you finally declare to yourself that it really is over. Depending on how you handled the previous emotions you should be stronger in your resilience and actually learnt from some of the mistakes you made in the previous relationship. For many, it's now time to think about the future rather than the past and you should be excited about what lies ahead.

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