Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Months Stress Strikes Expectant Fathers, Too

Pregnancy months come with lots of physical and emotional changes for both the mom-to-be and the developing baby, but what about the expectant daddy? Isn't he also exposed to increased stress, fears and unexpected situations during the 9 months of gestation? It may sound strange but expectant fathers experience not only emotional changes and insecurities but also physical symptoms while caring for their partners.
These are called sympathetic pregnancy symptoms or the couvade syndrome and generally begin at the end of the first trimester, increasing in intensity during the following months.
Dads-to-be experience frequent episodes of morning sickness, nausea, weight gain, sleeping troubles, mood swings, back pain and headaches.
They also have changes in sexual appetite just like women and experience strange food cravings during the nine months.
Quite surprising, isn't it? As a future dad, you may find it difficult to cope with all these feelings but think about your partner.
Things are way tougher for her so you definitely need to be there and support her unconditionally during the pregnancy months.
Expecting Father's role during pregnancy months Let's be totally clear: pregnancies are never trouble-free.
Each and every gestational period is accompanied by emotional unpredictability and physical discomfort for the mother so it's normal for her to be anxious, to feel things are out of control and to need you more than ever! So instead of complaining about her sudden cravings or lack of sexual desire, try to understand her.
Keep your calm when your partner pass through stressful situations and show her things can be solved easier in two.
If she experiences nausea and vomiting, be there for her and let her see there's nothing embarrassing in these reactions.
Your partner needs to know you still love and appreciate her, even if her legs are swollen like an elephant and her tummy gets bigger day by day.
She will feel extremely tired and depressed during the first months.
Her breasts will enlarge and become sore.
She will experience sever back pain, leg aches and muscle tension.
While she'll probably blame you for this but understand that what she is experiencing is normal and somewhat expected may help you cope.
Be patient with your partner during her pregnancy month's emotional roller coaster.
Expect her to be more irritable than usually.
Some time she will become nervous and then suddenly gleam with happiness.
This is normal - her body carries a baby inside without your partner seeing or knowing what's actually happening there! You may not notice this and she may not tell you but she does feel guilty whenever she reacts rudely, when she refuses to make love to you or when she asks you to go and buy something immediately to stop her cravings.
Encourage her to be open, share with you all her feelings, dreams and problems.
Communication is crucial in pregnancy and as an expectant father it is your role to be informed and to know what to expect from her.
Spend more time with your partner.
Do the dishes.
Take her to a walk when she feels tensed.
Tell her she is beautiful when she complains about her weight gain during pregnancy and colored spots on skin.
Assure her you'll be there to support and help her at all time.
Take care of her appointments for prenatal visits and never let her go alone if your schedule allows you to accompany her.
Make sure she has everything she needs for labor.
Buy diapers, pills, ointments and everything you two may need after the baby is born.
The more confident she is and the more loved she feels, the easier pregnancy months will pass for you as a couple!

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