Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Amazon Herbs - the Best Alternative Medicine Herbs

First of all, let us take pride on the decline of the deforestation of Amazon Rainforest. The new study conducted in Brazil, reveals that there is a reduction in the deforestation by around 50% to 75%. The decline in deforestation is attributed mainly to the stricter control measures enforced by Brazil.

Why we single out Brazil when it comes to Amazon Rainforest. It is because of the fact that Brazil holds 60% of the entire Amazon Rainforest. It covers more than half of Brazil.

What is more special about Amazon Rainforest. The vegetation in Amazon Rainforest recycles carbon dioxide continuously and produces oxygen. No wonder, it has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet". About 20% of world's oxygen is generated by the Amazon rainforest.

Amazon Herbs [] harvested from the Amazon Rainforest have a lot of medicinal values, which are considered to cure lots of diseases. The Plants' Stems, Leaves, Flowers and Fruits of Amazon Rainforest have been proved to have medicinal Properties. It is the treasure of health spread all across.

Several studies conducted have established that there are a lot of medicinal properties associated with Rainforest Herbs.

Graviola, Jergon Sacha, Mulungu, Caigua, Purple Corn, Bobinsana, Chu Chu Husasi, and Iporuru are few of the many medicinal plants that are grown at the Amazon Rainforest. These herbs could either be wild harvested or organically grown.

Out of all the above Amazon Herbs, Graviola and Jergon Sacha stand out. They are considered to contain / control / cure two of the most deadly human diseases. Several studies prove to this effect.

These Amazon Herbs are described as the Alternative Medicines or Natural Herbal Remedies for many diseases.

Scientists are of the opinion that we have studied only a very limited no. of the Flora and Fauna species prevalent in Amazon Rainforest. There may still be several hundreds of plants with great medicinal properties.

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