A Little Black Magic
Oh, there's nothing quite like a Black Magic Woman, is there? With so much misunderstanding and controversy about the color black - whether it's a 'good' color or a 'bad' color - we'll use our time here to explore some of the more common conceptions.
From there you can make up your own mind.
All I can tell you is that the first time I saw Maggie in her little black dress, I instantly fell under her magic spell.
It was definitely an eye-popping, jaw-dropping experience.
So Why the Big Mystery? Technically speaking, black isn't even a color at all.
It's the absence of all color.
It is the polar opposite of white in that it absorbs all colors while white reflects.
That's why you want to wear something dark - preferably black - in the winter time, in order to absorb as much heat as possible.
Black keeps you warm and that's gotta be a good thing, right? Then there's the black cat with its long-time association with witches and bad luck.
(Guys, that's a picture of a witch, not a wish as in, "Don't you wish you could have that kind of 'bad luck'?) You just HAVE to see this on our website via the link in our resource box below.
Well, I once had a black cat named Free-Be and he was anything but bad luck.
That frisky fur ball was the happiest, most rambunctious little rascal.
He brought so much joy into my life.
While Free-Be did a lot of things to make me smile, I never saw him shape-shift as black cats are purported to do.
A black cat that made me smile - there's another good thing for black! Plus, I still have Maggie and her little black dress which would make this witch wish for such weal any day of the week! YOWZA! See, I told you black cats don't bring bad luck.
But I digress...
So what's new? Hey, what about those mysterious black holes? You know, those things in outer space that suck up matter, never to be seen again? Sort of reminds me of the 'black bag' we use in our house for toys and things that get left on the floor.
Those unfortunate items find their way into the black bag, never to be seen around the house again.
Reduction of clutter - that's another very good thing, right? So far, black is turning out to be a very good color after all.
Let's see what else we can find out about black.
What Not to Wear Surely you've heard that the 'bad' guy always wears black? So I guess that means all those people 'dressed to the nines' at a black-tie formal are all bad.
I don't think so.
"No, Russy, it's just the hat" I hear you saying.
I'm not a witch, even though I once had a black cat.
I really can't 'hear' you, I swear.
I just have a good imagination.
That's right, I 'imagined' you might say that.
) Wow, did you see that feeble attempt at humor get sucked up into the comedy black hole? Looks like I'll be keeping my day job for a while.
Anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah, guys who wear black hats; they're the bad guys.
At least that's what we've been told.
However, I beg to differ again, people.
How could you call Fred Astaire in his black top hat a 'bad' guy? Really now! In martial arts, who is the person who garners the most respect; the one with the white belt or the individual with the black belt? Uh-huh! Even black gemstones such as black tourmaline, obsidian and onyx are said to have protective properties in that they create invisibility.
Every lady will attest to the power of black's slimming effect.
I refer you back to the eye-popping, jaw-dropping little black dress.
I rest my case.
Still not convinced? Wearing black denotes a certain level of intelligence.
What is the most common color worn for caps and gowns at graduation ceremonies? Black robes also symbolize power and authority.
Try defying the judge and see where that gets you.
Let's see...
so far, we've got 'good' black = 100, 'bad' black...
zero? In All Fairness Now Certainly, there must be something to black's bad reputation.
But of course!
We still have: * Black outs: losing consciousness * Blackouts: major power outage * Black Market: illegal trading, buying and selling * Black sheep: ostracized by family and society * Black mail: threatening in order to get something of perceived value * Black list: a list of people to avoid, cut off or discipline There, are you happy now? Well, you should be.
We've balanced the ledger and find ourselves...
in the black! I know, I know...
keep my day job! Now For the Grand Finale This brings us to the end of our brief journey through the color spectrum.
As with all explorations, the more you find, the more there is to find.
You'll recall that we started our adventure with white which, as we learned, is the presence of all color.
We have since come full circle with today's discussion of black.
To me, there's no better way of wrapping up the entire series with not just one, but two of my favorite songs with the message of everyone - even as diverse as black and white - getting along.
Enjoy the tunes on our website via the link in the resource box below! Get more insights into the color black by visiting our website via the link in our resource below.
Other Articles in this Color Series: Colors - The Unspoken Communicators (introduction) White Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Brown Black When you understand and use the colors that work best for you, I know you're gonna Love That Feeling!
From there you can make up your own mind.
All I can tell you is that the first time I saw Maggie in her little black dress, I instantly fell under her magic spell.
It was definitely an eye-popping, jaw-dropping experience.
So Why the Big Mystery? Technically speaking, black isn't even a color at all.
It's the absence of all color.
It is the polar opposite of white in that it absorbs all colors while white reflects.
That's why you want to wear something dark - preferably black - in the winter time, in order to absorb as much heat as possible.
Black keeps you warm and that's gotta be a good thing, right? Then there's the black cat with its long-time association with witches and bad luck.
(Guys, that's a picture of a witch, not a wish as in, "Don't you wish you could have that kind of 'bad luck'?) You just HAVE to see this on our website via the link in our resource box below.
Well, I once had a black cat named Free-Be and he was anything but bad luck.
That frisky fur ball was the happiest, most rambunctious little rascal.
He brought so much joy into my life.
While Free-Be did a lot of things to make me smile, I never saw him shape-shift as black cats are purported to do.
A black cat that made me smile - there's another good thing for black! Plus, I still have Maggie and her little black dress which would make this witch wish for such weal any day of the week! YOWZA! See, I told you black cats don't bring bad luck.
But I digress...
So what's new? Hey, what about those mysterious black holes? You know, those things in outer space that suck up matter, never to be seen again? Sort of reminds me of the 'black bag' we use in our house for toys and things that get left on the floor.
Those unfortunate items find their way into the black bag, never to be seen around the house again.
Reduction of clutter - that's another very good thing, right? So far, black is turning out to be a very good color after all.
Let's see what else we can find out about black.
What Not to Wear Surely you've heard that the 'bad' guy always wears black? So I guess that means all those people 'dressed to the nines' at a black-tie formal are all bad.
I don't think so.
"No, Russy, it's just the hat" I hear you saying.
I'm not a witch, even though I once had a black cat.
I really can't 'hear' you, I swear.
I just have a good imagination.
That's right, I 'imagined' you might say that.
) Wow, did you see that feeble attempt at humor get sucked up into the comedy black hole? Looks like I'll be keeping my day job for a while.
Anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah, guys who wear black hats; they're the bad guys.
At least that's what we've been told.
However, I beg to differ again, people.
How could you call Fred Astaire in his black top hat a 'bad' guy? Really now! In martial arts, who is the person who garners the most respect; the one with the white belt or the individual with the black belt? Uh-huh! Even black gemstones such as black tourmaline, obsidian and onyx are said to have protective properties in that they create invisibility.
Every lady will attest to the power of black's slimming effect.
I refer you back to the eye-popping, jaw-dropping little black dress.
I rest my case.
Still not convinced? Wearing black denotes a certain level of intelligence.
What is the most common color worn for caps and gowns at graduation ceremonies? Black robes also symbolize power and authority.
Try defying the judge and see where that gets you.
Let's see...
so far, we've got 'good' black = 100, 'bad' black...
zero? In All Fairness Now Certainly, there must be something to black's bad reputation.
But of course!
- First, you've got the infamous Chicago Black Sox scandal of 1919 where eight players were accused of throwing the game (that is, losing on purpose in order to assist gamblers).
Though each player was later acquitted, none of them were ever allowed to play professionally again.
Ouch! - Then there's Conrad Black, the newspaper magnate who was found guilty of diverting company funds for his own personal use as well as for obstructing justice.
Two ouches! - Of course, I'll never forget Charles Black, the neighborhood bully in my childhood days.
I was one of his victims, suffering a punch in the face, a push to the ground and a very sore self-esteem for quite some time.
Three ouches!
We still have: * Black outs: losing consciousness * Blackouts: major power outage * Black Market: illegal trading, buying and selling * Black sheep: ostracized by family and society * Black mail: threatening in order to get something of perceived value * Black list: a list of people to avoid, cut off or discipline There, are you happy now? Well, you should be.
We've balanced the ledger and find ourselves...
in the black! I know, I know...
keep my day job! Now For the Grand Finale This brings us to the end of our brief journey through the color spectrum.
As with all explorations, the more you find, the more there is to find.
You'll recall that we started our adventure with white which, as we learned, is the presence of all color.
We have since come full circle with today's discussion of black.
To me, there's no better way of wrapping up the entire series with not just one, but two of my favorite songs with the message of everyone - even as diverse as black and white - getting along.
Enjoy the tunes on our website via the link in the resource box below! Get more insights into the color black by visiting our website via the link in our resource below.
Other Articles in this Color Series: Colors - The Unspoken Communicators (introduction) White Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet Brown Black When you understand and use the colors that work best for you, I know you're gonna Love That Feeling!