How to Remove Foam on a Desk From a Foam Backed Desk Blotter
- 1). Provide light on the surface of the desk or move the desk to an area where there is adequate natural light.
- 2). Apply adhesive remover directly to a section of the foam on the desk -- a section about one-fifth the total area is sufficient. Leave the section of the foam alone for at least 15 minutes.
- 3). Place the edge of the plastic windshield scraper against an edge of the foam section that has been soaked with the adhesive remover. Push against the foam slowly to raise it from the surface of the desk. Continue pushing until you have raised all of the foam that can be removed from the section. Gather up the foam and toss it in the trash.
- 4). Repeat this procedure with the other four sections on the desk, first applying adhesive remover to a section and waiting the allotted time before using the scraper.
- 5). Apply petroleum jelly to the surface of the desktop where there is any foam residue. Let the petroleum jelly sit for 10 minutes. Place the edge of the scraper against the foam and push it off the desk. Continue the procedure until all of the foam has been removed from the desk.
- 6). Wipe the surface of the desk with a soft cloth to remove the petroleum jelly. Use as many soft cloths as necessary to pick up all of the jelly. Dispose of the cloths in the trash.
- 7). Spray furniture polish on the surface of the desk. Wipe the polish into the surface of the desk with a soft cloth.