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Memory Foam Vs Spring Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattress [http://www.memoryfoamexpress.co.uk/] is nowadays becoming consumer's top priority over standard spring mattress because of its premium quality and exceptional features.
Studies show that traditional spring mattresses doesn't distribute the human body weight evenly over the surface as it relies on a number of springs, all exerting same amount of force whereas the body fails to push back equally. The insufficient pressure point relief results in poor blood circulation, aches and joint pain. Memory foam [http://www.memoryfoamexpress.co.uk/] mattresses distribute body weight evenly, reducing pressure points up to 80% and providing a perfect sleep for human body. Memory foam also adjusts itself to human body temperature as well as environment temperature whereas spring mattress does not have such capabilities.
Spring mattresses have a shorter life span with a maximum 0f 10 years warranty. Studies also show that spring mattress loses 16% of its support during first year whereas memory foam mattresses are more durable and long lasting. The cost of memory foam mattress is usually associated with quality and type of material used. Normally it's costly than traditional spring mattress, but it's surely worth the spending.
"Dumb" spring mattress is no comparison against the "smart" memory foam double mattress [http://www.memoryfoamexpress.co.uk/]. Memory foam is undoubtedly a wise choice you'll make, and your body will simply fall in love with it! Memory foam is smart enough to identify your body needs and reacts accordingly. It perceives your body temperature and posture and firms and softens up along with it. Coil mattresses, on the other hand are irresponsive which is why they do not provide such a pleasant night's sleep to a person.

On average, a human being spends 30% of its life in sleeping. So choice of an accurate and comfortable mattress is of utmost importance in our lives. A memory foam mattress may be costly but provides us with a best quality sleep and last for more than 20 years on average before any need of replacement. For more information on memory foam mattress, toppers, and pillows visit [http://www.memoryfoamexpress.co.uk] today.

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