Age of Empires Expansion Trial Cheats
- To enter codes in the game, press the "Enter" key at any time during gameplay to open a chat window, input the code and press "Enter" again to activate it.
- Most of the new codes are for future units---like the photon troopers from the previous games. Typing STORMBILLY will summon you a battle-ready mechanical warrior. In the original game, typing BIGDADDY gave you a black convertible with a rocket launcher. Now, typing BIGMOMMA gives you the choice of a white one, as well. On the lighter side, AUSTIN POWERS gives you a baby with a laser cannon to control.
Animals were mostly passive or used for food in the past, and eagles were a common part of the landscape. If you prefer dragons, you can have them flying overhead by typing in KING ARTHUR. The game did also include another cheat upgrade for the priests, in addition to the previous iteration's speed and health boost, HOYOHOYO. The new cheat, CONVERT THIS! gives your priest units the ability to summon thunderbolts. - Type in COINAGE, PEPPERONI PIZZA, QUARRY or WOODSTOCK to get yourself 1,000 units of gold, food, stone or wood respectively.
If you want a futuristic army to go with your laser-powered baby, battle mech and rocket-launching corvette fleet, you can add a few PHOTON MAN or E=MC2 TROOPER units to the group. ICBM, BIG BERTHA and FLYING DUTCHMAN update your existing vehicles---ballistas, catapults and juggernaut ships respectively---to unstoppable levels.
Use REVEAL MAP and NO FOG to reveal the entire map and remove the fog of war. KILL [X] (where X is the player you want to kill) and DIEDIEDIE will kill either one or all the opponent players, and HOME RUN gives you an immediate victory.