Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Save My Marriage Advice For Couples

It is no wonder that many couples are seeking save my marriage advice.
More than fifty percent of all marriages now end in divorce.
Divorce can be agonizing and costly, both financially and emotionally.
If your marriage is in trouble, then stop waiting for your partner to change and start taking action yourself.
The good news is that often all it takes is one partner making changes to save a seeming failed marriage.
By implementing the follow four pieces of advice, you just might save your marriage.
First, don't put down your spouse or your marriage.
Don't do this to your partner and don't do it in front of other people.
This advice can be difficult to follow when you are in an unhappy relationship.
However, in a troubled marriage, griping and criticizing will only widen the rift.
Stop immediately whenever you find yourself being negative or critical about your spouse or your marriage.
This takes effort and you will have to monitor not only your words, but also your thoughts.
Once you start to consciously pay attention to what you think and say, you will notice just how often you yourself are engaging in behaviour that is destructive to your marriage.
If your spouse speaks negatively about you or your marriage, then you know how it feels to be on the receiving end of these thoughts.
You do not want to perpetuate this by acting in the same manner.
Even if your spouse at first continues to be critical, changing your behaviour can profoundly affect their behaviour.
This may take time, but the benefits of following this advice can be miraculous.
The second piece of advice on how to save your marriage is to focus on the positive.
This, too, may seem difficult when things are going poorly.
Remind yourself that the current situation has not always been the case with your relationship.
Ask yourself these questions: when you first started dating, what was it about him or her that attracted you? What did you love about your relationship? Make a list and keep these positive memories close at hand so you can reference them whenever you feel yourself beginning to get negative or critical.
If you find you cannot come up with good memories from the past, then you should ask yourself if your relationship is worth salvaging.
If you can remember the good days, though, then there is hope for happiness again.
The third piece of advice on how to save your marriage is to look for ways you can genuinely praise and compliment your spouse.
Your partner desires as much as you do to be appreciated, valued and loved for who they are.
When relationships start to experience trouble, spouses tend to start fault-finding instead of focusing on what they appreciate about one another.
Fight this urge and do just the opposite.
Whenever you find yourself being critical, replace those thoughts and words with positive, uplifting ones.
Remember, the key to this advice is that you make your praise sincere.
Being able to honestly and sincerely compliment your spouse is one of the most powerful tools you can use to salvage your marriage.
Finally, one of the best things you can do to save your marriage is to be patient.
Let your spouse know that you want to do what it takes to make your marriage work and that you are willing to talk and, more importantly, listen.
However, just because you are ready does not mean that your spouse is, too; don't pressure him or her to talk right away.
If the two of you have been uncommunicative for awhile, make it clear to your partner that you are ready to truly listen whenever he or she is ready.
By implementing these four pieces of save my marriage advice, you will let your partner know that you are truly ready to save your marriage.
The advice is not always easy to follow and will take effort on your part, but the rewards are well worth it.
You just might save your marriage, and that is the best reward of all.
For more save my marriage advice visit save marriage advice

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