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IUI Symptoms - Am I Pregnant?

Deciding to undergo IUI is a big step in your journey to fertility, and you'll probably start wondering the day of insemination whether or not you'll get pregnant.
As with most fertility-related things, though, it's important to keep in mind that these things do take time.
Even if the egg was successfully fertilized, it still has to travel to your womb and implant there, which could take almost a week.
Learning about IUI symptoms of pregnancy is important, but it's also important to be as un-obsessive as possible so that you don't drive yourself crazy with stress.
But, if you really must know, here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms you might be on the lookout for.
Earliest Conception Signs after IUI Symptoms of pregnancy can vary widely from one woman to the next.
Some women get terrible morning sickness within a week of conception, and there are actually some women who still have light spotting throughout their pregnancies who may not find out they are pregnant until they're several months along.
In general, though, these are some of the most common symptoms of a very early pregnancy: *Missed Period: This is the most obvious symptom, although you can also miss a period because of rapid weight loss or gain and because of other causes, such as extreme stress.
This isn't the only important symptom, but it's the one that we normally look at first.
*Light Spotting: Sometimes when the egg actually implants into your uterus, you might experience light bleeding and cramping.
Some women mistake this for their periods, but it can actually be a sign of pregnancy.
If you've recently undergone IUI and these symptoms keep happening at odd intervals, you might want to see a doctor.
*Breast Tenderness: Many early pregnancy symptoms, like this one, can also come across as PMS symptoms for some women.
However, breast tenderness can be an early pregnancy sign.
*Fatigue: Most women don't feel overly tired for an entire pregnancy, but it's not unusual to feel exhausted within the first few weeks of conception.
If you're really dragging after IUI, this could be a symptom of pregnancy.
*Backaches and Headaches: For many women, the hormonal and physical changes caused by early pregnancy can cause lower backaches and headaches.
*Nausea/Morning Sickness: Morning sickness is really a misnomer, since some women are sick all the time and others actually get sicker in the evenings.
However, if you're feeling sick some of the time, it might be a pregnancy symptom.
It's important to keep in mind that the symptoms for an IUI pregnancy are about the same as the symptoms for a natural pregnancy and that all of these symptoms could be tied to other things.
While you should definitely note changes in your body and mind during this waiting period, you shouldn't obsess over these changes.
Some of them, such as headaches, nausea, and tiredness, can even be induced by stress, so you don't want to bring them upon yourself! When to Take the Pregnancy Test after IUI Choosing when to take a pregnancy test is vital when you've undergone IUI.
Whether you're showing signs of early pregnancy or not, it's important that you take the test about two weeks after you were inseminated.
You need to wait this long because, like we said, it can take the fertilized egg almost a week to implant.
After that, the body starts producing new hormones, which is what a pregnancy test looks at.
While a professional lab test would be able to confirm an implantation within a couple of days of pregnancy, a home test needs for you to be pregnant for a few days before it will work.
Even this fourteen day period can vary, though.
Take the test on the morning of day fourteen, but don't lose it if the test is negative.
Wait two days, and then test one more time.
If this test is also negative, you should wait a few more days to see if you get your period.
If you don't, then schedule an appointment with your doctor to find out what the issue might be.

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