When Is The Best Time to Send Broadcast Messages?
It's a Monday afternoon and you come home tired.
You turn on your computer and load up your email to check and see if there is anything in your inbox that you may have missed over the weekend.
You notice that you have over 300 messages that have been unread in your email inbox.
So you start skimming through, examining headlines as well as who each email is from.
You get so tired of doing this that you just quickly start to delete page after page of emails, not even reading a single one of them until you get to the last 25 messages or so.
This is a scenario that many people go through, especially when the work week has started all over again.
A lot of people do not check their email messages over the weekends, so Mondays are usually the busiest days for checking emails.
If you are an email marketer then no doubt you are concerned about getting each and every one of your messages read.
You never would want someone to delete your emails, let alone do it without reading them right? Knowing when the best time to send out an email can mean the difference between success and failure.
As the scenario shows, Mondays are usually the worse days to send out an email to your subscribers for the simple fact that most people are too busy to sit and read everything that they may have missed over the weekend.
Your messages could easily disappear with many others by way of deletion, or it can get lost in the bunch.
The most effective days for getting messages opened and read are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sunday afternoons.
Personally I have benefited highly by sending out my promotional mails on these days.
This is something that you may want to consider as well.
In addition to the days of the week that you choose to email those on your list, you also need to pay close attention to what you send and how often you do so.
Do you ever get more than one email message from a certain person in one day and find that they are just there to try and sell you something? Yes you probably are in the business to make money as well, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of those whom you are trying to profit from.
Salesmen are never welcomed by the average consumer.
People readily understand that you are in business to make money, but you have to appear as a helper before you can ask them for financial rewards in return.
Many internet marketers have used the 70:30 ratio.
Let 70% of your email materials contain useful tips, information, freebies and various other things that can benefit those on your list.
Let the other 30% be comprised of your promotional emails or any other attempt you may make via email to refer someone to your site for a sale.
You'll find in time that when you utilize such methods, you'll come off making more money in the long run.
You turn on your computer and load up your email to check and see if there is anything in your inbox that you may have missed over the weekend.
You notice that you have over 300 messages that have been unread in your email inbox.
So you start skimming through, examining headlines as well as who each email is from.
You get so tired of doing this that you just quickly start to delete page after page of emails, not even reading a single one of them until you get to the last 25 messages or so.
This is a scenario that many people go through, especially when the work week has started all over again.
A lot of people do not check their email messages over the weekends, so Mondays are usually the busiest days for checking emails.
If you are an email marketer then no doubt you are concerned about getting each and every one of your messages read.
You never would want someone to delete your emails, let alone do it without reading them right? Knowing when the best time to send out an email can mean the difference between success and failure.
As the scenario shows, Mondays are usually the worse days to send out an email to your subscribers for the simple fact that most people are too busy to sit and read everything that they may have missed over the weekend.
Your messages could easily disappear with many others by way of deletion, or it can get lost in the bunch.
The most effective days for getting messages opened and read are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sunday afternoons.
Personally I have benefited highly by sending out my promotional mails on these days.
This is something that you may want to consider as well.
In addition to the days of the week that you choose to email those on your list, you also need to pay close attention to what you send and how often you do so.
Do you ever get more than one email message from a certain person in one day and find that they are just there to try and sell you something? Yes you probably are in the business to make money as well, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of those whom you are trying to profit from.
Salesmen are never welcomed by the average consumer.
People readily understand that you are in business to make money, but you have to appear as a helper before you can ask them for financial rewards in return.
Many internet marketers have used the 70:30 ratio.
Let 70% of your email materials contain useful tips, information, freebies and various other things that can benefit those on your list.
Let the other 30% be comprised of your promotional emails or any other attempt you may make via email to refer someone to your site for a sale.
You'll find in time that when you utilize such methods, you'll come off making more money in the long run.