Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Tips To Help Me Stop Snoring

I for one am a snorer and am always looking for tips to help me stop snoring.
In my household, my snoring is legendary, causing myself to be blamed for restless nights by everyone within ear shot including the dog.
Although snoring is something that cannot be helped and contrary to popular belief, is not done on purpose there are a wide variety of options and treatments that can greatly help with the snoring process.
My wife has long pressured me to find tips to help me stop snoring and these five tips are especially helpful.
Tip #1 Look At Your Medicine Cabinet One of the more surprising tips to help me stop snoring is that medications on the market that can cause or increase snoring.
These medications are usually those in the antihistamine or sleeping pill family, so you may need to change a prescription if you find yourself recently develop a problem snoring.
When the throat muscles are relaxed, the noise can be greatly increased.
Tip #2 See Your Doctor Snoring can be a serious problem.
There are many medical conditions that can be linked to snoring, especially more threatening conditions like sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea occurs when your body completely stops breathing in the middle of the night and can be detrimental.
If you wake up gasping for breath in the middle of the night, then that may be your clue that sleep apnea is at the root of your snoring problem.
A trip to your doctor may be all that you need to find out exactly why you are snoring and exactly what can be done to preserve your health and your family's sanity.
Tip #3 You Are What You Eat It seems like today that diet is blamed for everything from ingrown toenails to bad hair days.
However, there is truth to the link between diet and snoring.
For starters, that spare tire can add something else to your body besides an extra couple of pounds.
Losing weight may be all it takes to drastically reduce or even stop your nightly noise.
However, if you are going to lose weight, do it the smart way.
A proper diet and lots of exercise sure beats those fad diets that have you consuming outrageous amounts of greasy bacon or sour grapefruit.
Also, adopting an exercise routine works great against the battle of the bulge and to quiet the cacophony.
Tightening and toning your muscles works to whip those throat muscles in shape so that they are strong and resistant to snoring.
Tip #4 Change Your Habits All of us have bad habits, but excessively consuming alcohol or smoking can actually cause your snoring to develop or worsen.
In the end, you have to decide whether that extra drink or drag on a cigarette is worth a night of kicks and pokes from your frustrated partner who is looking for some peace and quiet.
Besides, smoking and drinking are considered negative for your health in the first place, so you can add a couple years onto your life.
Your partner will surely be glad, especially since that means more years of quiet nights.
Tip #5 When All Else Fails, Blame Your Gender Believe it or not, snoring is something that affects males more than females.
Although this bit of trivia will not help you stop snoring, but it can help you on those mornings when your whole family has turned on you because of the deafening volume of your sawing logs.
Biologically speaking, males have a smaller nasal airway than women, so we are much more likely to snore than the fairer sex.
The next time your wife complains about your snoring, try sweetening her up by complementing her lovely nasal passages.

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