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Summer Water Conservation Tips

As everyone should know by now, water is one of our most precious resources, and it is not to be wasted. That said; the demand for water tends to be higher during summer months when temperatures rise and rainy days are few and far between. In an effort to help you do your part in conserving water during the summer, we have come up with some easy-to-follow water conservation tips. In addition to being beneficial for the environment, following these water conservation tips can also be beneficial for your wallet!

  • Water your lawn only when necessary. Before watering your grass, make sure it actually needs to be watered. Some signs that your lawn needs to be watered are footprints, discolouration and patchy areas.

  • Dont waste water running a half-full dishwasher or clothes washer. Make sure that these appliances are fully loaded before running a cleaning cyclethis will minimize water waste and energy costs.

  • Showers can use up to 70 litres of water per minute. To reduce the amount of water wasted by showering, try to decrease your shower time to no more than five minutes. You could also install a low flow shower head for a lighter stream of water.

  • Leaving the water running while you are brushing your teeth or washing the dishes is unnecessary and wastes an average of 5 litres of water per minute. If you brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day, thats 140 litres of water wasted per week! Get into the habit of turning the water off when brushing your teeth and scrubbing dishesit is small things like this that will have a huge impact on the environment in the long run.Invest in a water cooler. Using a water cooler instead of drinking water straight from the tap helps to prevent water waste. How? When you turn on a faucet, the water must run for a while before it gets cold. A water cooler, on the other hand, keeps water cold at all times and eliminates the water waste you create when waiting for water from the faucet to get cold.

For more water conservation tips, visit Water Depot. With dozens of water systems to choose from, including water coolers, reverse osmosis systems, watersofteners and iron filters, Water Depot is your premiere source for all things water related. To learn more, go to our website at waterdepot.com/.

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