Rituals to Celebrate Lammas/Lughnasadh
Looking for rites and rituals for your Lammas or Lughnasadh celebration? Here's where you'll find ways to celebrate the harvest, honor the gods of the fields, and pay tribute to the Celtic god Lugh.
August 1 is known as Lammas, or Lughnasadh (it's February 1, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere). This is a day to celebrate the beginnings of the harvest, when the grain and corn is gathered. It's also a time, in some traditions, of honoring Lugh, the Celtic craftsman god. Here are some ideas for dressing up your altar for your Lammas (Lughnasadh) celebration! Setting Up Your Lammas AltarMore »
Lammas is the first of three harvest Sabbats, and celebrates the crops of late summer and early autumn. If you wish to honor the Harvest Mother aspect of the Goddess and celebrate the cycle of life and rebirth, hold this Lammas rite either with a group or as a solitary practitioner. Hold a Lammas Harvest RitualMore »
Lammas is a time of celebrating the beginning of the harvest, a theme seen often in the sacrifice of the grain god. Make a sacrifice of your own this Lammas, with this bread ritual that marks the beginning of the harvest. Lammas Bread Sacrifice RitualMore »
August 1 is known in many Pagan traditions as Lammas, and is a celebration of the early harvest. However, in some paths, it's a day to honor Lugh, the Celtic god of craftsmanship. Celebrate your own talents and skills on Lughnasadh by honoring Lugh with a rite that can be held for a group or a solitary practitioner. Ritual to Honor Lugh of the Many SkillsMore »
Want to get in touch with your inner warrior? This simple meditation allows you to focus on the deeds and words of past, present and future. Look at the journey you've taken so far to determine where you will go in the future. Lughnasadh Warrior Meditation RitualMore »
•Set Up Your Lammas Altar
August 1 is known as Lammas, or Lughnasadh (it's February 1, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere). This is a day to celebrate the beginnings of the harvest, when the grain and corn is gathered. It's also a time, in some traditions, of honoring Lugh, the Celtic craftsman god. Here are some ideas for dressing up your altar for your Lammas (Lughnasadh) celebration! Setting Up Your Lammas AltarMore »
•Hold a Lammas Harvest Ritual
Lammas is the first of three harvest Sabbats, and celebrates the crops of late summer and early autumn. If you wish to honor the Harvest Mother aspect of the Goddess and celebrate the cycle of life and rebirth, hold this Lammas rite either with a group or as a solitary practitioner. Hold a Lammas Harvest RitualMore »
•Lammas Bread Sacrifice Ritual
Lammas is a time of celebrating the beginning of the harvest, a theme seen often in the sacrifice of the grain god. Make a sacrifice of your own this Lammas, with this bread ritual that marks the beginning of the harvest. Lammas Bread Sacrifice RitualMore »
•Ritual to Honor Lugh of the Many Skills
August 1 is known in many Pagan traditions as Lammas, and is a celebration of the early harvest. However, in some paths, it's a day to honor Lugh, the Celtic god of craftsmanship. Celebrate your own talents and skills on Lughnasadh by honoring Lugh with a rite that can be held for a group or a solitary practitioner. Ritual to Honor Lugh of the Many SkillsMore »
•Lughnasadh Warrior Meditation Ritual
Want to get in touch with your inner warrior? This simple meditation allows you to focus on the deeds and words of past, present and future. Look at the journey you've taken so far to determine where you will go in the future. Lughnasadh Warrior Meditation RitualMore »