Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Apartment Sleep Tips

Your new apartment seems to have the most relaxing ambiance in the world, so why is it that every time you're ready to hit the hay you seem to find yourself staring blankly at the bedroom ceiling? Before you decide to check yourself into the nearest sleep deprivation tank, try adjusting your new living quarters to create a more snooze-inducing environment.
First things first - set yourself a realistic schedule and do your best to stick to it.
Set a weekday bedtime that is reasonable (say 10pm), as going to bed too early may lead to middle of the night awakenings.
Too late and you'll be hard to deal with in the morning, so bridge the gap by deciding ahead of time how much sleep you require on a nightly basis and work from there.
Once you've determined a good bedtime, it's important to start to 'train' your brain to shut off around that time.
Try and retire about 30 minutes prior to your actual 'sleep time', and engage in a relaxing activity such as reading or a crossword puzzle.
Avoid doing things like take-home work or watching the news, as these may give you anxiety.
So-called 'white noise' can often be a great addition to an apartment, so try placing a small fan or humidifier in the bedroom.
Both are also excellent ways to help regulate temperature as well (another big culprit when it comes to sleep issues), so set them accordingly to make sure you are comfortable.
Block out curtains can help keep your bedroom dark, especially if your apartment community features a lot of street lamps.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol prior to bedtime as well, and playing some soft, ambient music might just be the key to putting your mind at ease.
If you have roommates, be sure and let them know that you are starting a new sleep schedule to ideally limit their noise after a reasonable hour.
Remember, sleep is a huge factor in your daily routine and can greatly affect your quality of life, but with a few simple steps odds are good you'll be counting sheep in no time.

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