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Mennonite Worship Resources


    • Several Mennonite resources for teaching and preaching offer a wide variety of materials to include international cultures and those with disabilities. One general resource, Expressions of Worship, links dozens of Bible reading plans, study guides, contemporary and gospel music sites and leader guides (see Resources). Another resource, Praise, expresses, encourages and equips worship and worshipers through a variety of musical types, event listings, a newsletter, thoughts and even career information (see Resources).


    • The resource, Christian Copyright Licensing International, provides television, videos, more than 200,000 songs and copyright information on them (see Resources). For a yearly fee, which depends on church size, the church has usage rights to all the material on the website. The Apex Publishing website offers a resource for the Psalms set to music, with lyrics, songs, free downloadable files and a theme index (see Resources).

    Art and Drama

    • Art and drama offer an added dimension to creativity in Mennonite worship. You can find information at the resource, Drama Share, which allows access to a wide variety of scripts and assists with writing, make-up, clowning and puppetry (see Resources). The resource, Art to Heart Web, focuses on Christian artwork and where to purchase it. In addition, it looks at the relationship between worship and the visual arts, and provides speakers (see Resources).

    Children's Services

    • The Mennonite Church website offers information on Peace Sunday, which focuses on remembering those who have died in war while maintaining the commitment to the Mennonite value of pacifism and loving your enemy. In 2010, the theme was "I Remember" and materials included buttons, a video and educational suggestions for implementing Remembrance Day. The service outline consists of an interactive call to worship, introduction to the worship service, songs, a video, several prewritten prayers, Bible passages, a sermon suggestion, two children's sermons and a benediction (see Resources). Educational materials include remembering those harmed by war, especially women and children.

      Heritage Sunday, in honor of the Mennonite history, offers similar resources to commemorate the day, according to Mennonite USA (see References).

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