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How to Perform Lawn Tractor Maintenance

    • 1). If you recently purchased your lawn tractor, there are a few essential maintenance actions you will need to perform after the first five hours of use. These include:

      * Change the oil and replace the oil filter (if your machine has one)
      * Check the air pressure in the tires and make sure they are all the same
      * Check the belt that drives the blades; it will stretch early on
      * Check the blades to make sure they are still tightly secured

    • 2). After 10 hours of use, change the oil and the oil filter again. From then on, perform this job after every 25 hours of use.

    • 3). After 25 hours of use, clean the air filter. If you live in an area where the ground is dusty or sandy, you may want to replace the air filter outright. You should also clean the undercarriage to remove any accumulated grass clippings.

    • 4). After 25 hours of use you should also take the time to lubricate the wheel bearings, axles, mower deck, differential and chain drive (if it has one). Check your owner's manual for details.

    • 5). After 25 hours of use you should sharpen the blades and ensure that they are still tightly secured with the proper torque. Refer to your manual for the torque numbers. Also, check your belts and replace any that are showing signs of wear.

    • 6). After two seasons of use, check the bearings and bushings to see if they are still tight. If they are wobbly, then it's time to have your lawn tractor serviced by a professional. You'll also want to raise the front end and see if the front wheels are wobbly. If so, then their bushings may need replacing also.

    • 7). Thoroughly clean your lawn tractor from top to bottom at the end of every other season. Before using it after it has been sitting, always perform a full operational check to make sure everything is working as it should be.

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