Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Fall Season Gift Basket Ideas

Woodchip Round Bucket with Handle

The fall season is upon us. That means that it is time for the gift giving to begin. Halloween kicks off the gift giving, with candy of course. Soon, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa follow, with even more opportunities to show the people you love how much you care about them. Well, a gift basket can do just that! It can brighten someone's day, and the thought that care and attention were handled when putting together the gift basket makes it even more special. With Fall as the time of year where folks are inspired to give, here are a few ideas on the types of gift baskets you can create that will make that special someone grin from ear to ear. Let the Lucky Clover Trading Co. get you started with their wide selection of baskets to make that one of a kind gift.

Harvest Cornucopia Gift Basket

Celebrate fall with the symbol of the fall season. The cornucopia, also known as a horn of plenty, represents food and abundance, dating back to 5th century, BC. It has also come to be associated with the Thanksgiving holiday, used as a decorative centerpiece, and can be filled with fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Foods and foliage that represent the fall season are ideal when creating a cornucopia gift basket. Choose apples that have a rich red and/or green color to complement the color of the basket, but any type of seasonal fruit will do. Think fall and all of the colors the leaves have on the trees before they fall to the ground. Various types of nuts that have not been shelled, such as walnuts and pecans, also add a harvest-like feel to the gift basket. Pumpkins and squash, along with sweet potatoes--with their vibrant orange color will make it feel like you are celebrating the first Thanksgiving with the pilgrims. Decorative corn with the husks, and fake fall foliage, think leaves and branches add a nice finishing touch.

Wine and Cheese Gift Basket

With the weather cooling down, more time is spent indoors and in front of a fireplace. Consider giving a wine and cheese gift basket to the individual that enjoys relaxing by the fireside. Instead of using a wicker basket, choose a metal tin instead. When the wine and cheese are gone, the metal tins can be used around the house, either as a planter, a pen caddy, or storage. The copper metal braided tin basket is large enough where you can place a nice bottle of red or white wine and still be able to make room for cheese and crackers. A white cheese such as brie, mozzarella, and blue cheese allows the copper tin to stand out. Make sure that you add a little bit of fill at the bottom of the tin so the wine bottle is set in place. Use cellophane to wrap the basket and tie with a decorative ribbon. The person receiving this basket will love everything about it!

Halloween Gift Basket

As little witches, ghouls, and goblins troll around the neighborhood asking for treats, trick them instead with a Halloween gift basket. The miniature natural basket is the perfect basket for little hands to get a hold of. There are a variety of ways to scare up a Halloween gift basket, so let creativity be your guide. Aside from adding candy, plastic spiders, stickers, and little toys will give the little ones goose bumps. Homemade cookies, popcorn balls, and fresh fruit, a healthy alternative, will have parents grinning. Wrap the basket with orange or black cellophane and wrap with ribbon. You can also wrap the basket in shrink wrap, so when the kids get home, they are able to enjoy the goodies inside them safely.

Fruit Basket

Instead of spending a lot of money on giving mail order fruit gift baskets to neighbors, families, and friends, why not make one? Design your own version of the fruit basket with the seasonal fruits available at your local farmers market or grocery store. The woodchip round bucket with handle basket in the fall colors of rust and green, can accommodate the size and weight of the fruits.  The rich, bright colors of the fruits will surely stand out. Here are a few fall fruits to add to the basket: persimmons, grapes, figs, cranberries, apples, oranges, pears, and pomegranates.

Deliver the basket with a large, decorative bow on top of the handle or on the side of the basket for that special touch. Leave the basket on your neighbors' or friends' front door, and they will be surprised at the beautiful gift basket and the variety of fruit they can enjoy. Don't forget to add a card.

The gift giving season inspires plenty of ideas on creating that one gift basket that will bring a smile upon that person's face. The effort will be well worth it. The ideas are limitless and all it takes are a few gift items, putting them together and placing them in a Lucky Clover Trading Co. basket. They carry a wide selection of baskets, trays, and gift boxes that are sure to make any gift shine. Choose from metal containers, willow, bamboo, rattan, and wire baskets. With an easy to use website it will be easy for you to view the baskets, place the order, and ship within 24 hours. Make your gift today!

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