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Methods to Assess Campaign Performance

Selling your products and services on the web is no different from doing it off-line.
It requires you to put into use certain yardstick to determine how well your campaign is getting on.
This is an important procedure in marketing, and it must not be given slip-shod attention, otherwise negative performance will slowly but surely eat into your profit.
Skills to conduct accurate testing and marketing have to be acquired.
They can contribute to the success of your campaign.
There are many methods to assess campaign performance.
Listed below are proven methods but the list is by no means exhaustive.
(1) The number of page impressions From your website, you are able to know the total number of visitors.
You will also be able to find out more about the general site traffic.
Page impressions help to determine the level of popularity of your site.
(2) The number of unique visits The number of unique visits is best obtained from the referring IP address.
You will be able to observe the degree of popularity of your site through these unique visits.
(3) The total number of visitors attained One of the good methods to assess campaign performance is through the total number of visitors attained so far for your site.
There are many statistical programs that will help you to track these results in the manner you want.
This tracking can be done quarterly, monthly or even weekly.
(4) The frequency of visits You can assess if your traffic strategies are performing to your expectation.
This data will help you get important feedback for fine-tuning current marketing strategy or to prepare for future strategy.
(5) Determining the click through rate The click through rate indicates the persuasiveness and effectiveness of your marketing copy.
It reveals to what extent visitors are being convinced to buy from you.
If you use a split-testing strategy, you will notice an increase in conversions.
(6) Capitalizing on the opt-in rate The opt-in box will collect the first names and email addresses of your subscribers.
This indicates the extent of interest shown by visitors for your offers.
You will be able to involve them when it comes to your new product launches, because you are able to know the degree of responsiveness that they have shown to your current product.
(7) Using fully the conversion rate One of the more important methods to assess campaign performance is applying the conversion rate to help determine actual sales attained so far.
If the conversion rate is high, it indicates your effective ability in persuading and convincing subscribers to buy your offer.
If it turns out to be low, remedial action must be taken immediately.
In conclusion, immediate action should be taken should campaign performance turns out poor.
Marketing results deserve your closest attention, by making use of the best methods for their assessment.

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