Meditation: How to Enter a Deep State of Relaxation
There are many methods of meditation that can lead to channeling, mediumship, or simply a greater spiritual awareness.
Here is the method I use:
Take note, and keep a journal of any impressions.
Come back to normal consciousness by visualzing the colors in reverse sequence.
Here is the method I use:
- Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down.
Close your eyes. - Take three or four deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
- Concentrate on your body and mentally tell each part of your body to relax, from the toes on your feet to the muscles in your face.
- Tense some of your muscles, then let them relax.
- While in this relaxed state, visualize the colorred.
Breathe in the coulor red and exhale the color red. - Move to the color orange.
Breathe in orange and exhale orange.
While you are visualizing this color, allow your emotions to relax.
- Move to the color yellow.
Breathe in yellow and exhale yellow.
Allow your mental activity to cease.
Hold only the color yellow in your mind. - Move to the color green.
Breathe in green...
exhale green.
Allow peace and healing to surround you, and penetrate you. - Move to the color blue.
Breathe in blue...
exhale blue.
Feel the Love of God encompass you.
- Move to the color indigo.
Breathe in indigo...
exhale indigo.
Concentrate on your dreams and aspirations.
Feel yourself going deeper and deeper within. - Finally, concentrate on the color violet.
Breathe in violet...
exhale violet.
Tell yourself you are now in touch with your spiritual self.
- From here you can journey to a place in nature, such as a beach or a mountain, where you can be alone and can feel at peace.
Take note, and keep a journal of any impressions.
Come back to normal consciousness by visualzing the colors in reverse sequence.