The Use of Detoxing the Body
- There is a yeast-like fungus in the colon called candida albicans. Sometimes candida over-proliferates and causes headaches, chronic muscle and joint pain, yeast infections, dizziness and even flu-like symptoms. The overgrowth of candida is often attributed to the overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, corticosteroids, poor diet or food allergies.
As candida dies, it emits toxins. These toxins can enter the bloodstream through the walls of the large intestines. There, they make their way into the body's cells and vital organs, creating a number of potential health problems. - Candida overgrowth puts extra demands on the body's natural bacteria. The body's immune system also comes into play, producing more white blood cells. A taxed immune system often makes an individual feel lethargic and tired. By detoxing the body, one can often restore their energy level and start feeling better.
- According to kinesiologist Stephanie Relfe in her article, A Secret Of Anti-Aging, "The cell is capable of replacing itself with a stronger and better cell. This will happen only if the cell has an abundance of energy and the right raw materials. This process is called regeneration. It is anti-aging."
People often suffer from systemic yeast because of a poor diet. The yeast, as mentioned earlier, releases toxins that can penetrate healthy cells. One way to get rid of yeast and toxins is to stop eating foods that contain sugar and gluten. People need to eat more meat, potatoes, yams, brown rice, vegetables and fruits. Instead of eating bread and pasta made from wheat or yeast, eat breads made from brown rice, almonds or spelt. - Candida can rob a person of essential vitamins and minerals. Detoxifying the body can help remove fecal impactions along the walls of their intestines. These impactions, comprised of feces and mucus, harbor yeast, parasites and toxins. Once the colon is cleansed of this waste, one's system can better absorb vitamins and minerals.
- Removing toxins from the body can ultimately protect the body from harmful diseases. Most health experts believe that most diseases originate in the small or large intestines.
- In addition to eliminating gluten and sugar from the diet, one usually needs to do a colon cleanse. These products help remove all foreign substances and toxins from the colon. Another option is to do colonics, which flushes the large intestines with purified water.
There are also liver cleanses that can clear this vital organ of toxins. Most liver can be purchased along with colon cleanses at the health food store.