How to use a Potty Pager to Stop Bedwetting
- 1). If you have a child that continuously has accidents, a potty pager could be the answer you are looking for. There are many different drugs, treatments, and diets that all claim to stop bedwetting, but for many those seem either too extreme or unsafe. A potty pager is a great alternative to these other options, and you should be using it and ending the bed wetting with success if you just follow these few steps.
- 2). Before beginning use of a potty pager with your child, you need to talk with them about what it is and what it will do to help them stop bedwetting. Many children, especially the younger ones, will be nervous about sleeping with an alarm, especially one that is attached to their undergarments. Explain to them what it will do - such as the alarm that will sound when moisture is detected-, and how they should not feel scared or nervous when it does go off. This is very important, as the child should feel positive and unafraid about the use of a potty pager to stop their bed wetting.
- 3). The next step is to purchase the potty pager! There are many websites that offer it, and in some cases you can purchase it through your child's doctor. However, the easiest way is to visit the stop bedwetting website of Here, you can read testimonials of people who have used this product to successfully stop their child from bed wetting. If your child is skeptical or unsure about the use of an alarm system such as this, it may be beneficial for them to read these stories with you, so keep that in mind.
- 4). Step four is possibly the most important step when using a potty pager to help your child stop bedwetting. This step is all about support and encouragement - bed wetting can often be embarrassing and frustrating for your child, you, and the rest of the family. So, just remind yourself often that the potty pager system will not magically end everything overnight - it will take a few weeks, maybe even months. Also remember that relapses will occur, so if your child has gone a few nights with no accident, and then has one unexpectedly, don't worry! Just continue to encourage them, and permanent success will soon come.