Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why You Are Not Losing Weight

If you are over-weight, the first thing you should do to restore your health is to reduce your weight.
But if you are inconsistent in your approach to solve your over-weight problem, you can not lose your weight at all.
You should have a strict diet regimen and should follow it consistently and persistently with a passion like that of a Jesuit.
You should not eat in a haphazard manner because by changing the number of meals daily, you confuse your metabolism and ultimately your body will not respond to your efforts of weight reduction.
Not doing your exercises regularly is another reason for not losing weight.
Your exercises should be a blend of both cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises so that you burn good amount of your calories to see that your weight is lost in quick time.
Further, strength training exercises develop your muscle mass.
If you have more muscles, they require more calories to maintain themselves and hence more calories are burned resulting in weight loss.
Exercises also improve blood circulation to supply the nutrients to all the parts of the body.
Improved blood circulation produces chemicals that may accelerate removal of toxins from the body.
Toxins in the body are stored in the fat tissues.
Once the toxins are removed, the fats can easily be reduced.
You should do a little arithmetic and calculate your calorie needs of a day.
You should ensure that you do not exceed the limits because exceeding these limits will increase your weight.
If you do not pay attention to what you eat, you may not succeed in your efforts to see that your weight is lost in quick time.
Junk foods, processed foods and spicy and oily foods must be totally avoided.
While junk foods and oily and spicy foods add to your weight, processed foods have an additional negative point of having harmful chemicals that are used as preservatives.
These preservatives are so obstinate that your body can not flush them out.
They reside in the fat tissues of your body and this causes severe weight gains.
Likewise, you should also avoid red meat and bad carbohydrate diets like sweets, cakes, ice creams, pastries and sugary items.
One of the best ways to reduce your weight is to drink plenty of water.
If you fail to do so, you may not lose weight.
If you do not drink sufficient water, the body will think that water is scarce to obtain and hence will tend to hoard it.
Since the weight of water is a major constituent of your total body weight, the stored water increases your body weight also.
But if you drink plenty of water, the body will not find it necessary to store water and hence the body weight also decreases.
If you are an eater of 3 large meals daily, you can not lose weight.
For losing weight, you should split these three large meals into five or six smaller meals and eat them periodically once in 3 hours.
This type of eating will boost your digestion, your body is supplied continuously with the required nourishment and there is no weight increase also.
But these smaller meals should consist of fiber diet like fresh fruits and vegetables, wholesome grains and beans.
These fiber diets have large quantities of vitamins and minerals and they do not add to your weight also.
If you adopt these steps, you need not lament why you are not losing weight because you are sure to achieve your aim of ensuring your weight is lost in quick time.

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