Five Things to Never Do When You"re Raising Chickens
Raising chickens can be a lot of fun for you and your whole family.
These birds are entertaining, especially when being raised in a backyard setting.
Whether they are in their chicken coop or wandering freely about the yard, they are always up to something.
These types of fowl also can help teach children a little bit of responsibility when the kids are given certain chores to do that involve the birds.
The main reason chickens are beneficial though is because they can add substance to a family's menu and take away expenses from a family's budget.
There are certain things though that you should definitely not do either with the chickens you are raising or while raising your new birds.
This list is not comprehensive, but it is a good place to start.
Five things you should never do when raising chickens.
And we mean, never! #1 - Substitute a chicken for a ball in any backyard game.
Not baseball.
Not basketball.
Not football.
And definitely not soccer.
#2 - Train your dog to fetch using a rubber or stuffed chicken toy.
#3 - Round up or play with your feathered friends right after eating a pancake and maple syrup breakfast.
#4 - Wear an all white suit and black string tie as your barnyard attire of choice.
#5 - Hold a backyard Chicken Olympics competition featuring games like the 100 yard chicken dash, the chicken put, the javelin, poultry vault, or the 100 meter freestyle chicken swim.
These birds are entertaining, especially when being raised in a backyard setting.
Whether they are in their chicken coop or wandering freely about the yard, they are always up to something.
These types of fowl also can help teach children a little bit of responsibility when the kids are given certain chores to do that involve the birds.
The main reason chickens are beneficial though is because they can add substance to a family's menu and take away expenses from a family's budget.
There are certain things though that you should definitely not do either with the chickens you are raising or while raising your new birds.
This list is not comprehensive, but it is a good place to start.
Five things you should never do when raising chickens.
And we mean, never! #1 - Substitute a chicken for a ball in any backyard game.
Not baseball.
Not basketball.
Not football.
And definitely not soccer.
#2 - Train your dog to fetch using a rubber or stuffed chicken toy.
#3 - Round up or play with your feathered friends right after eating a pancake and maple syrup breakfast.
#4 - Wear an all white suit and black string tie as your barnyard attire of choice.
#5 - Hold a backyard Chicken Olympics competition featuring games like the 100 yard chicken dash, the chicken put, the javelin, poultry vault, or the 100 meter freestyle chicken swim.