Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Diagrams For Building a Chicken Coop - What the Cluck?

So you have decided to build a chicken coop in your backyard and are seeking a little bit of information or some printable diagrams for building a chicken coop before you begin.
Completely understandable! Have you begun building already, only to realize you were not quite sure what a coop entails? Or do you have chickens in your house already and realized, that maybe this set up was not exactly what you hoped it would be? Are your chickens pecking each other and fighting a lot? If you answered yes to any of those question you are in desperate need of some answers, and probably fast.
Building a home for you pet poultry certainly sounds like a "foul" proof job.
A job that should not be to time consuming and or costly.
A job that anyone can definitely handle, after all we are talking about chickens here, and chickens are the easiest pet to raise and require very little in order to thrive.
Most of us are ambitious enough to start the project as soon as the idea pops in our heads, and believe me, I have no different.
And directions? Ya, no thanks! I got this one! And that is exactly what you would hear out of my mouth, until that is, I realize I have no idea in the world what I am doing! But that usually does not come until later, unfortunately.
My experience is that I do not even realize how much I messed up until well down road when things start getting, how should I say it?, "Fowled" up! The interest in raising chickens has grown so much recently and it is not uncommon for people to begin building a coop without any diagrams at all.
But the unfortunate problem with that plan is that most of us that are not farmers have no idea what it takes to build such a structure and unfortunately end up either calling it quits very soon after they start this new hobby, and or have issues that end up effecting the health and well being of the chickens.
Of course they are all well intentioned people that are interested in having farm fresh eggs right in their very own backyard, but like many people did not take the time to consider the building process a little more in detail.
Now there are lots and lots of diagrams for building a chicken coop out there.
Most can be found right here on the internet, and are almost all are worthy plans that will satisfy the needs of your chickens as well as yourself.
It is very important that you choose one and at the least follow through with some suggestions of those that have built many coops and have experience raising chickens.
Chickens are the easiest pet to take care of, requiring very little in terms of attention, clean up and care, but they do require a protective environment that will provide them a safe retreat from not only predators but themselves.
Good luck and have fun, I am sure if you start out right, you will find that building a chicken coop is a very great addition to your backyard and you will have farm fresh eggs for years to come.

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