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Samsung RSH1DTMH Fridge Freezer - Review

Me and my family were in the market for a new fridge because our old one wasn't doing a good job at keeping things cool and fresh anymore.
We used to have a separate fridge and freezer that were both over a decade old.
This day and age, one American style fridge freezer is all you need.
You get two in one and it ends up saving a lot of space, even when you buy a big one! So we threw out our old fridge and our old freezer and we replaced it with a new one.
Samsung RSH1DTMH Fridge Freezer - Review After doing some research online, me and the wife had decided that we were going with the Samsung RSH1DTMH Frost Free Fridge Freezer.
I had heard some good things about refrigerators from this brand and I felt comfortable taking the risk.
I'm glad to say everything went better than expected.
For a moment there I was worried that this fridge didn't have enough room to store all the food that is required to feed a family of 5.
Me and my wife have three boys.
Thankfully this fridge has lots of room with many compartments.
Luckily, it ended up having plenty of space and then some! You do still need to be able to pack things away efficiently, though.
This American style fridge freezer also has a very large water and ice dispenser under which you can easily place tall glasses.
It's a great feature that will not only keep my food cool but me as well during the summers.
The lighting strips in the fridge's interior are very well placed and they really light the place up very well.
Everything is in clear view.
No more dark corners where I have to guess what food I put there.
This fridge also looks very stylish.
It has a Manhattan silver color and it goes very well with the rest of our kitchen.
It has two doors as opposed to one door, which you often see on smaller fridges.
The doors swing open to the left and the right.
You don't have to open them both at once.
Because the fridge is so tall, you will hardly ever have to kneel down to take what you want.
Instead, you can store your most frequently consumed foods at the top for easy grabbing.
It was also very easy to install and it comes with all the parts required for the plumbing.
When you leave the doors open accidentally, a quiet alarm goes off.
Very useful for when you have small children running around the house! Because of all these excellent features, this is one American style fridge freezer that I would recommend to anybody!

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